Cesar Nascimento


Bem-vindo(a) ao meu canal! Aqui você encontrará conteúdo de qualidade sobre alguns dos temas mais relevantes para a compreensão da sociedade contemporânea, sempre com informações fundamentadas e sem sensacionalismo. Sou diplomata de carreira, mas meus interesses vão muito além da diplomacia: abrangem desde literatura e história até economia e psicologia, entre outros. Pretendo abordar os mais variados assuntos e convido todos a colaborar, apresentando críticas e comentários. Inscreva-se no canal e participe desta conversa franca e aberta! As opiniões aqui expressas têm caráter pessoal e não representam necessariamente a posição do Governo brasileiro.

What's That Verse Kids - with Ms. Sarah


Welcome to What's That Verse Kids! Helping children learn the Bible one verse at a time! My name is Sarah and I am so pleased to welcome parents, teachers, and kid's to the channel! This is a great channel for a Wednesday night lesson or to watch at home any day of the week! Free worksheets are provided to give your kids a little activity to do! The age range we are hoping to engage is elementary but of course welcome all ages! My husband and I created WTV kids for the sole purpose to help kids learn and memorize the Bible. Since becoming new parents we want to be sure our child grows up knowing the word and having a wonderful relationship with God. We are Non Denominational and attend church regularly. I'm a Face Painter so of course I had to include it into the videos :). My husband has been doing graphic design since he was in high school so he is the video editor! *FYI each verse that we use will be shown on the worksheets (mostly NIV ESV & NASB). whatsthatversekids@gmail.com