Natural Beauty


Rumble Natural Beauty is a celebration of the unfiltered, untamed, and unapologetic beauty that resides within each of us. In a world inundated with unrealistic beauty standards and excessive makeup routines, we believe in the power of simplicity and self-acceptance. Our philosophy is all about letting your true self shine through, highlighting your unique features, and nurturing the natural beauty that is distinctly yours. We offer a range of skincare and cosmetics products that are carefully crafted to enhance your innate charm, rather than concealing it. With Rumble Natural Beauty, you can expect: 1. Clean, Nourishing Ingredients: Our products are formulated with the utmost care, featuring natural and organic ingredients that are kind to your skin and the environment. 2. Effortless Elegance: We believe in the beauty of simplicity. Our makeup products are designed to enhance your features with ease, allowing you to look and feel your best without the need for heavy layers. 3. Confidence in Individuality: We celebrate diversity and encourage you to express your unique self. Rumble Natural Beauty is for those who appreciate the quirks, the freckles, the laugh lines, and the imperfections that make you, you. 4. Cruelty-Free Commitment: We are proud to be cruelty-free, because we believe that beauty should never come at the expense of innocent lives. Join us in embracing the art of being beautifully and authentically yourself. Rumble Natural Beauty is more than just a brand; it's a movement dedicated to redefining beauty on your own terms. It's time to let your natural beauty rumble.

The beauty of sounds with the Quran


Ibn Mas‘ūd (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah will be credited with a good deed, and the good deed receives a ten-fold reward. I am not saying that “ألم” Alif-Lām-Mīm is one letter, but Alif is a letter, Lām is a letter and Mīm is a letter." _It is the Holy Qur'an (the word of God) that beautifies everything and everyone's voice is beautified by reading the Qur'an correctly. _By reading and listening to the Qur'an and thinking about it and acting on it, we will be successful in this world and the Day of Judgment.In sha`Allah

Folha Serrana

4 Followers "Bem-vindo à Folha Serrana – um canal a serviço do povo! Aqui, trazemos informações, curiosidades e histórias locais com o compromisso de manter nossa comunidade bem informada e conectada. Da cultura e cotidiano do nosso sertão às pautas que mais impactam a vida de todos, somos um espaço para dar voz ao povo, com responsabilidade e consequências. Não quer ser notícia? Não seja notícia aqui para cobrir, informar e acompanhar a realidade da nossa gente." Meu 2º Canal: CAÇADA SOBRENATURAL / @cacadasobrenaturaloficial Siga-nos no Facebook / folhaserrana.ce Siga-nos no Instagram / folhaserrana PIX: Francisco Bezerra Filho Nos ajudem a manter esse canal com conteúdos culturais e diversos Whatsapp: 88 9 9903-9782