Defensive Firearm Tactics


Welcome to our Firearm Self-Defense Channel, where we empower individuals with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and their loved ones. At Protection Plus Tactics], we want to provide comprehensive, practical information and tools on all aspects of firearm self-defense. Our mission is to equip you with the necessary tools, techniques, and mindset to confidently navigate potential threats and ensure personal safety. Through our engaging videos, we cover a wide range of topics, including firearm selection, maintenance, effective shooting techniques, situational awareness, legal considerations, and responsible firearm ownership. Our experienced instructors and experts share invaluable insights, backed by real-world experience and a commitment to safety. Whether you're a beginner looking to establish a solid foundation or an experienced shooter seeking advanced strategies, our channel offers something for everyone. We believe in promoting responsible and ethical firearm usage, emphasizing the importance of training, situational assessment, and de-escalation whenever possible. Join our growing community of self-defense enthusiasts who are passionate about personal protection. Subscribe to our channel, hit the notification bell, and embark on a journey towards empowerment and preparedness. Together, let's build the skills and knowledge needed to stay safe in an unpredictable world. Remember, self-defense is not just about firearms; it's about developing a mindset, honing your skills, and making informed decisions. Explore our videos, engage with our community, and take control of your personal safety. Stay protected, stay informed, and welcome to Protection Plus Tactics– your trusted source for Firearm Self-Defense.

Protect Our Kids Verified


POK exists to inform parents about the scope of these combined threats to their children, their rights as parents, and to protect our kids from the increasing advance of public-school indoctrination. POK is a coalition of parents, community leaders, grassroots organizations, attorneys, physicians, pastors, teachers and concerned citizens. Go to our website for more information & resources. Listen to Say What Podcast on: Apple - Spotify -



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Festiwal Filmów Kontrowersyjnych


Festiwal Filmów Kontrowersyjnych to inicjatywa ludzi świadomych i chętnych w dzieleniu się zdobytą wiedzą z takich dziedzin życia jak: otwarta nauka i technika, zdrowie człowieka, duchowość i szamanizm, słowiańskie korzenie czy tak popularna i wszechobecna manipulacja. Poprzez organizowanie spotkań w formie Warsztatów zaproszeni goście ujawniają kulisy tych dziedzin i sposoby praktycznego wykorzystania przekazanej i zdobytej wiedzy. Natomiast uczestnicząc w jedynym tego typu wydarzeniu jakim jest festiwal, można dzięki projekcjom filmowym dowiedzieć się wielu interesujących i kontrowersyjnych rzeczy o naszej świadomości, a dzięki prelekcjom zaproszonych gości w danej tematyce zgłębić i rozwinąć zdobytą wiedzę z materiału filmowego. Serdecznie zapraszamy!