Gunz & Rollz Fitness


Hello and Welcome to Gunz and Rollz Fitness. We like to share our family's training and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competition videos here to help motivate and inspire more families to train and compete together. We train at Triumph Fight Academy, which is an affiliate of Pedigo Submission Fighting. Kevin's background is a former D2 College football linebacker and proudly served as an Infantryman in the United States Marine Corp. He also is a Certified Personal Trainer. Bethany started to get into fitness after the birth of her two children. Like most women she was afraid of "getting too big" so lifted very little and focused on long distance running. Now she loves lifting heavy and training in Jiu jitsu. Thanks for stopping by!

Commodore 64 and Amiga Demos


Demos from the Demoscene Modern meets Retro everyone can watch it now on 4k TV or Beamer and enjoy it. Demos from every platform.... soon ™ We record the demo until a part is done, waiting for great music or start from beginning. We want to respekt the work people invest into the demos, so you can read whole text, listen the whole sound and see the whole demo. For the rest we made chapters to skip :) What is written is the opinion of the authors and does not reflect our opinion, harsh words are often used in the old demos, those were completely different times. Before you want to trash your old gaming stuff contact me Now enjoy the music, effects, grapihcs and all The collection is presented as a preservation project under the same rules as of the original HVSC Collection's copyright notice