Prank on Dog - Pegadinha no cachorro


Fake tiger moving vs real flying dog prank is to scaring dogs with fake tiger for funny reactions. This is funniest videos Try not to laugh. Fake tiger prank dog is funniest scaring pranks dogs with toy tiger lion dinosaur spider crocodile popping balloons on funny dogs. Place toy fake tiger lion dinosaur spider crocodile near to sleeping street dogs puppies cats monkeys cows and turn on the tiger sound to scare dogs. Attach toy fake tiger lion dinosaur spider crocodile on remote controlled car to move toward dogs to scare dogs for funniest reactions. These videos are just for laugh for funny reactions and laughter. Dog pranks are trending on you tube. Thank you much viewers, keep in touch and keep showing love to motivate us.\\n----------------------- Português ---------------\\nO tigre falso se movendo contra a brincadeira do cão voador real é para assustar cães com tigre falso para reações engraçadas. Este é o vídeo mais engraçado. Tente não rir. O cão de brincadeira de tigre falso é o mais engraçado, assustando cães de brincadeiras com balões de crocodilo de dinossauro, crocodilo, aranha de tigre de brinquedo em cães engraçados. Coloque o brinquedo falso tigre, leão, dinossauro, aranha, crocodilo, perto de cachorros de rua, cachorros, gatos, macacos, vacas e ligue o som do tigre para assustar os cães. Anexe o brinquedo falso tigre, leão, dinossauro, aranha, crocodilo, em um carro com controle remoto para se mover em direção aos cães e assustá-los para as reações mais engraçadas. Esses vídeos são apenas para rir, para reações engraçadas e risos. As brincadeiras com cães são tendência no YouTube. Muito obrigado espectadores, mantenham contato e continuem demonstrando carinho para nos motivar.

Our mission is simple: to make you laugh. Whether you're a fan of stand-up comedy, funny skits, hilarious pranks, witty parodies, or side-splitting sitcoms, we've got something for everyone.


Welcome to FunnyFlix, your one-stop destination for laughter, amusement, and pure comedy gold! At FunnyFlix, we're dedicated to spreading joy and smiles through a wide range of hilarious content. Our mission is simple: to make you laugh. Whether you're a fan of stand-up comedy, funny skits, hilarious pranks, witty parodies, or side-splitting sitcoms, we've got something for everyone. Our team of talented comedians, writers, and content creators work tirelessly to deliver fresh, original, and gut-busting material that will tickle your funny bone.

Nightmares in Disguise - Pranking at Its Scariest


[Intro] Welcome to my channel! This video is a unique take on the popular prank genre. Today, I'm going to be showing you some creative, spooky, and downright terrifying pranks that are guaranteed to cause some serious scares. So if you're brave enough, then let's get right into today's video! [Section 1: Home Pranks] Let's start off with some pranks that can be done around the house. One of my favorites is something I like to call the 'Crawling Demon'. To do this prank, you'll need a sheet and some red light. First, cover your head with the sheet so that only your eyes are visible. Then, turn on the red light and move around the house crouching and crawling to give it a truly ghostly effect. The end result will be sure to make your victims shake in their boots! Another fun idea is to try some classic spooky noises. Dig out the soundboard from your horror movies and start playing the most spine-tingling sound effects you can find. Hide around the corner of the room, and wait for your victims to arrive and start screaming. [Section 2: Public Pranks] Now, let's talk about some pranks that can be done in public. One of my favorite outdoor pranks is what I like to call 'The Scream Walk'. All you need is a megaphone and an eerie costume. Choose an area full of people, like a park or a festival, and start walking while playing loud, creepy soundscapes through the megaphone. This is sure to shock and startle everyone around you. Finally, you can also try a good old-fashioned haunted house. Choose a location where you can setup multiple transparent sheets hanging from the ceiling. Fill the area with fog or mist and play some spooky soundtracks in the background. You don't even have to be inside the actual house for this prank to scare your victims! [Conclusion] Well, that's it for today's video. I hope that you found these pranks fun and entertaining - and I hope that most importantly, your victims were sufficiently scared. Thanks for watching, and if you enjoyed this video, don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button. See you all soon!

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funny animal compilation is ultra funny! Only the best and very funniest animal video clips! Bet you will laugh so hard that you will pee your pants! Just look how all these dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, ferret, squirrel, turtle, tortoise, fox, bunny, lizard ... play, fail, make funny sounds, get along with other animals,... So funny and cute! TRY NOT TO LAUGH! What is your favorite clip? :) Hope you like our compilation, please share it and SUBSCRIBE! Watch also our other videos! prank