The Real Jesus Experience Podcast


This podcast and ministry was inspired by the Holy Spirit, to support new and maturing believers by speaking encouragement and hope into their lives, to see them grow in faith and obedience. The method we use to pursue this calling is a very simple one – we gather and share the testimony of believers. But, not just any old testimony. The testimony of believers who have been through “the wall”. This “wall” is that struggle, hardship, heartbreak, trial or tribulation in which you’ve had to surrender all things into the hands of the Father, because you weren’t enough to get through it on your own. That experience you would never want to relive, but would never take back, because it brought such beauty and hope into your life. On the other side of that wall is, the real Jesus experience. We hope you'll join us on the journey!

Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation


Welcome to Our Duty Canada- Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation. We believe that no child can consent to off-label chemical hormones and permanent surgical procedures. It is our duty to inform and support parents, to work toward increasing public knowledge and to pressure our socio-medical-political system into conducting itself from an evidence-based perspective. We know that children are being harmed by so-called “gender affirming care” every day in Canada with their once trusted medical and mental health bodies, schools, media and their government acting as catalysts for their desire and ease in accessing these experimental treatments. We are proud to represent Our Duty as we build this Canadian Chapter.