THIS Channel Is Platform To Share The SAVING Knowledge Of Jesus Christ (Through The Gospel Of Jesus Christ) With EVERYONE Willing To Listen To THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH (The ENTIRE Holy Bible, And Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ; Including, Holy Bible Prophecy) And Our Biblical WorldView – Through SOUND HOLY BIBLE BIBLICAL DOCTRINE; Our Goal Is To Encourage Others To Acknowledge GOD Almighty’s Amazing SAVING Grace AND To Accept GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT OF SALVATION (Which COMES ONLY – THROUGH Jesus Christ); Thereby, Joining Us (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), And Receiving Unto Themselves THE HOPE OF EVERLASTING LIFE; BEFORE, IT’S TOO LATE FOR THEM; And To Be An Encouragement For Those, Who Are Already Part Of The Body Of Christ, As We Endure The Last Days, The End Times, THE LAST HOUR, BEFORE Jesus Christ COMES – FOR HIS BRIDE (That’s Us), AT The PRE-Tribulation Being CAUGHT UP Together Of The Church!

Learning With Jesus


Welcome little friends to Learning with Jesus! Learning with Jesus is a family based soul-winning ministry with the focus on the life of Jesus and the gospel message of Jesus Christ. It is our earnest desire and prayer as a family to unite families to Christ through the message of God's love. To impart within the family circle a growing loving relationship for God and for one another. Our ministry is also dedicated in providing christian music videos primarily for children to strengthen the faith of our friends and family in our wonderful God. Unite with us in sharing Christ. Your prayerful gifts will help unite families to Christ and to one another. Thank you for your kind support!

The Real Jesus Experience Podcast


This podcast and ministry was inspired by the Holy Spirit, to support new and maturing believers by speaking encouragement and hope into their lives, to see them grow in faith and obedience. The method we use to pursue this calling is a very simple one – we gather and share the testimony of believers. But, not just any old testimony. The testimony of believers who have been through “the wall”. This “wall” is that struggle, hardship, heartbreak, trial or tribulation in which you’ve had to surrender all things into the hands of the Father, because you weren’t enough to get through it on your own. That experience you would never want to relive, but would never take back, because it brought such beauty and hope into your life. On the other side of that wall is, the real Jesus experience. We hope you'll join us on the journey!