The Late Boy Scout


Get into Gear and Ideas for Freedom and Fun. On this channel you'll find top-quality videos about guns, knives, and all kinds of related gear - plus outdoor adventures, tactical training reports, and thoughts about lawful self defense and daily preparedness. This channel is FAMILY-SAFE, for your kids and mine. I believe in the Constitution, and in working within the law to maintain our God-given rights. While faith in God is not the primary focus of my videos, it is a fundamental part of who I am, and I hope it shows. "The Last Boy Scout" was the 90's action flick that inspired my name. The word "Last" felt pretentious, so I replaced it with "Late", as in "Late to the party". You can refer to me as Scout, Boy Scout, Late, Late Boy Scout, LBS, TLBS, or just call me Shane. I REPRESENT MYSELF. If you've been contacted by someone claiming to be affiliated with me, you are being scammed. Contact Shane directly at: #avantlink

The Last Warning


Канал The Last Warning (Последнее Предостережение) выполняет перевод проповедей англоязычных адвентистских пасторов, роликов и новостей, демонстрирующих события Последнего времени. "...сие сказал Я вам, чтобы вы имели во Мне мир. В мире будете иметь скорбь; но мужайтесь: Я победил мир." (Иоанна 16:33) Если вы желаете поддержать служение переводов: номер карты Сбербанк - 5168 3708 3903 6310 (через Сбербанк Онлайн), Приватбанк – 5168 7573 8144 0355, или MoneyGram Эл. почта: Основной Ютюб канал - Дополнительный Ютюб канал -



Klagemauer TV, ovvero la TV del muro del pianto dei mass media, smaschera menzogne mediatiche e la loro guerra informatica! La menzogna dei principali media inizia dalla finzione della loro varietà, anche se manca poco che siano in tutto il mondo in una sola mano. Sopprimendo conseguentemente le controvoci continuano a tenere in piedi delle menzogne pericolosissime. Ma sempre più persone afferrano l’imbroglio e disdicono gli abbonamenti. Tuttavia, i più grandi opinionisti non sono facili da scrollare via. Si mantengono in vita almeno tecnicamente grazie ai canoni obbligatori. Kla.TV invece lavora per voi volontariamente e gratuitamente dal 2012! E questo in 165 studi cinematografici e audio con oltre 213 moderatrici e moderatori, in oltre 40 lingue e con un’area di trasmissione di 212 paesi con informazioni in 12 rubriche. La nostra unica ricompensa è la Sua collaborazione nella diffusione a tappeto di tali delucidazioni.

Judge Judy Latest Cases


Welcome to our YouTube channel dedicated to bringing you the most entertaining case videos from the legendary Judge Judy! Customize channel Manage videos Description Welcome to our YouTube channel dedicated to bringing you the most entertaining case videos from the legendary Judge Judy! Get ready to dive into the thrilling world of courtroom drama as we showcase some of the most captivating and jaw-dropping cases that have graced Judge Judy's courtroom. From petty disputes to outrageous lawsuits, we've got it all covered. Join us as we explore the fascinating legal battles, witness the intense confrontations, and marvel at Judge Judy's sharp wit and no-nonsense approach to justice. Whether you're a fan of Judge Judy or simply enjoy the excitement of courtroom dramas, our channel is the ultimate destination for your entertainment needs. Don't miss out on the action! Subscribe now and join our community of legal enthusiasts and reality TV lovers. Get ready to experience the drama, the laughter, and the justice served in every episode of our Judge Judy entertainment case videos.

War in Ukraine - Latest Events, Maps, POV from the Frontline


I will be providing daily updates and in-depth analysis of the latest events, from multiple sources and perspectives. My aim is to provide a comprehensive view of the situation, giving you a better understanding of the complex issues at play. I will also be offering exclusive content and behind-the-scenes access to my reporting process, including interviews with key figures and experts in the field. As a patron, you will have access to all of this content and more, including a daily summary of the most important developments. Your support will help me continue to produce high-quality content and bring you the most important news from Ukraine. Thank you for considering supporting my channel, and I look forward to bringing you the latest updates and insights from this important region.