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Pilgrim\'s Way Ministry is an educational Christian ministry located in Cumberland, Maryland. Founded by Dr. Jon F. Dewey in 1999, Pilgrim\'s Way Ministries gives seminars and presentations on the Bible, Apologetic, Marriage and Relationships, Bible Prophecy and Church & Ministry.
I'm old and I know things that I love to talk about it! I am a 69 year old retired male, a US Army veteran that is just plain sick and tired of the way our country has been going. The Hollywood elite and our politicians all have a platform to voice their opinions, I just thought it was time for the average man to have his! You may not like what I have to say, but you WILL always know where I stand on an issue because I DO NOT hold back! I plan on sharing the news of the day without the slant of the mass media that is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the democratic party! I am an independent voter all my life and remain the same. BUT with the way Democrats have been acting I can no longer endorse ANY Democrat! Now wait, I also can not in good conscience support some Republicans either. Basically if you do NOT fully support America and the American people, you WILL NOT get my vote and I will be here to express my thought on the matter. So now you have a better idea of THE WAY I SEE IT! Chuck Cobb
Check-Out the show, come deep into to rabbit hole of The Matrix and find Out if your a true player and just an npc. Kickback and stimulate your mind with Real Talk about Real life. The episode is a preview of a few heated topics most people avoid due to The Matrix controversy. This season we're going deep into the rabbit hole, topic of Jesus and the truth, how to live life better, The Matrix and how to navigate it. Grand Knew Empire - NFT Collections$GrandKnew
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Information for GMRS Two Way Radio for families and individuals
Learning to live our best lives by walking with Jesus Christ every step of the way - with boldness, joy, and confidence in God’s Word. Rocking your faith every step of the way one step at a time!
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This channel is for vlogs from SWAY where he gives his opinion on what\\\'s going on.
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Hello there! I'm an English student and I'm also trying to learn some editing. So I'll be posting the results of my studies here.
The Living Martyr Report is a censervative think tank project about politics, philosophy and news events.exposing the damage on the radical left in America.
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FoLlOw Me, SiMpLiFy YoUr LiVeS, StAy HoMe, LeT ThE EaRtH AnD ThE CrEaTiOn ReCoVeR, We CaN Do EvErYtHiNg FrOm HoMe, No XcUsE, ThE IrReSpOnSiBiLiTy MuSt CeAsE, DoNt Be SeLfIsH, EnD ThE NeEdLeSs SuFfErInG, LeTs WoRk ToGeThEr, BaLaNcE HaRmOnY, ThErE Is OnLy OnE EtErNaL BrAnD, ThEe WaY TrUe LiFe StYlE ElYtZ, It Is NoT If BuT WhEn, AuToMaTe ThE ProCeSs SusTaInAbLy, MaKe It FrEe AcCoRdInG To NeEd, SeEk FiRsT To Be PeRfEcT As ThEe CrEaToR Is, AbUnDanT, AvAiLaBlE At YoUr DoOr, StOp ThE UnConScIoUs ChAoS, EvErYoNe TrYiNg To OuT Do EvErY OnE, ThErE Is OnLy OnE WaY, ToGeThEr As OnE, Or FaCe ThE CoNsEQuEnCeS, YoU HaVe ThE OpTiOnS, MaKe It HaPpEn Or It WiLl Be TaKeN FrOm YoU, AnD TaKe CarE Of ItSeLf ThE HaRd WaY, ReMeMbEr On EaRtH As It Is In HeAvEn, PiCtUrE HeAvEn, AnD MaKe It HaPpEn HeRe NoW, ReStOrE ThE MaJeStY ThE GaRdEn, Of EtErNaL LiViNg LoVe, StAy In YoUr LaNe AnD Do YoUr PaRt, I DiD MiNe.... I Am JuAn FrAnCiScO DiAnA MaRkS ThEe HoLy SpiRiT Is WiTh Me, I HaVe No FeAr, No LiMiT, TrY Me, I LeAd ThEe WaY, AnD YoU NeEd My SkIlLs AnD XPeRiEnCe, So I Am HeRe To ShArE, I CaRe, PeAcE Be WiTh YoU AnD YouRz Me AnD MiNeS AnD EveryOne EveryWhere AllWayS ✌️😘 ☝️😌 We Love You Holy Spirit, Thank You For You, For Us, For EveryThing, And For EveryOne, For Loving Us Especially, We Will Live And Share Together 4 ForEver, 3 FreeDom 2 Food 1 Fun 🌐 For U.S.A.ll U.nited S.pouse Of A.moRica, CelebRating 4 ForEver 3 Peace 2 Truth 1 Love 🚫 No Fear, Loves Holy Command Is Our Will, Love Is WithIn And ThroughOut U.S.A.ll, Holy Spirit United With You We Live A Perfect Life Making All Life Perfect I Am JuAn FrAnCiScO DiAnA MaRkS 💐🦋🌌💗🏞️🦋💐 Peace Be With You, These Are My Social Networks, If You Or Anyone Else In The Family Ever Want To Connect And Share With Me THE WAY TRUE LIFE IS ALIVE! WE BELIEVE! COME! Www.FaceBook.Com/TheWayTrueLife Www.YouTube.Com/@TheeWayTrueLife Www.Twitter.Com/TheWayTrueLife Www.Instagram.Com/TheeWayTrueLife Www.AmAzOn.Com/ShOp/TheWayTrueLife 💐I L💖VE Y'ALL, WE ALL FAMILY, ALL THE SAME, YET ALL UNIQUELY BEAUTYFULL/HANDSOME, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE TIME WHEN WE ACCEPT THE TRUTH & WHEN WE RECEIVE THE LIFE EXPERIENCE, EVENTUALLY ALL WE WANT IS TO L💖VE & BE L💖VED, HAVE & SHARE GOOD TIMES & NOT HURT ANYONE, THAT IS THE WAY💐 💐DON'T JUDGE ANYONE, BE A LIGHT TO THEM, THEY ARE YOU IN A DIFFERENT TIME & PLACE💐 IF YOU KNEW WHAT THEY KNEW & HAD WHAT THEY HAD WHEN THEY HAD IT, YOU PROBABLY WOULD HAVE CHOSEN WHAT THEY CHOSE, WE DO WHAT WE KNOW, & NOBODY WANTS LESS THAN THE BEST OF WHAT THEY KNOW, SO LETS GIVE OUR BEST, SO WE CAN LEARN & GROW TOGETHER💐 I AM AN ARTIST, LIFE IS MY CANVAS, MY EXPERIENCE IS MY BRUSH, MY EXPRESSION, MY E-MOTION, MY ENERGY IN MOTION IS THE PAINT, WHAT I SHOW.... I OVERSTAND IF YOU PAINT A DIFFERENT PICTURE, YOUR JUST SHOWING WHAT YOU KNOW.... I LOVE YOU.... KEEP MOVING FORWARD, KEEP YOUR EYES, HEART, MIND, OPEN, BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF, YOU NEVER KNOW, WHEN YOU WILL SEE, YOUR FUTURE, OR YOUR PAST, GIVE EVERYONE A CHANCE TO LEARN, WHAT YOU WERE ONCE IGNORANT TO, WE ARE YOU, YOU ARE WE, THE WAY TRUE LIFE STYLE ELYTZ, WE ARE THE LIGHTS OF THE WORLD, NOT THE JUDGE.... LIVING AND SHARING TOGETHER 4 ForEver 3 FreeDom 2 Food 1 Fun 🌐 For U.S.A.LL CelebRating 4 ForEver 3 Peace 2 Truth 1 Love 🚫 No Fear! MY DREAM IS TO BUILD A PLACE WHERE WE LIVE AND SHARE TOGETHER 4 FOREVER 3 FREEDOM 2 FOOD 1 FUN 0 FOR ALL! GOD IS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND MERCY THAT IS ALL I AM SURE WONT CHANGE, NO RELIGION CAN CONTAIN THIS FULLY.... IM DONE, YOU CAN FIND ME AROUND THE WAY, 1 @ THE WAY TRUE LIFE Sincere Treally, El Pa Don Juan FranCisco Diana Marks Owner of The Way! We Are! It Is! I Am! Living and Sharing Together 4 FOREVER 3 PEACE 2 TRUTH 1 LOVE 0 NO FEAR! Connect With Me Family🖖🤴 InstaGram FaceBook Www.FaceBook.Com/TheWayTrueLife LinkedIn Twitter Www.Twitter.Com/TheWayTrueLife YouTube Www.YouTube.Com/@TheeWayTrueLife NeXtDoOr AmAzOn ShOp Www.AmAzOn.Com/ShOp/TheWayTrueLife Amazon my movie Amazon my books BING THE WAY GooGle The Way Sent from my SonIm XP8 Outlook Mobile 💐🦋🌌💗🏞️🦋💐 Above Is My Contact Information If You Want To Connect And Share Peace Be With You Family 💐🦋🌌💗🏞️🦋💐
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