Lofi Chill


Herzlich willkommen auf dem YouTube-Kanal von Lofi Chill! Tauche ein in die entspannende Welt der Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats und lass dich von der magischen Atmosphäre ihrer Musik verzaubern. Auf meinem YouTube-Kanal teil ich regelmäßig hochwertige Lo-Fi Hip-Hop Beats, die perfekt zum Lernen, Entspannen und Abschalten geeignet sind. Die Tracks zeichnen sich durch eine gekonnte Balance zwischen rhythmischen Elementen und atmosphärischen Klängen aus, die eine harmonische Hintergrundmusik für jede Gelegenheit bieten. 🚫 If you have any problem with copyright issues do not report me, take your time to contact us via mail, and we will response within 7 Days - 💌 willmabier1.2@gmail.com💌

Mike Phillips


Mike Phillips shares leadership tools, sales training skills, motivational videos to help you grow yourself, other people, and your business. Mike's driving force is to make a positive impact on people; one on one, in business, and in his online and local community. Make sure you SUBSCRIBE above and check out http://www.LeadTheTeam.net. Mike is a Digital Executive in the auto industry, a podcast host, YouTuber, and Sales and Leadership trainer. With 30 years of leadership and coaching experience Mike has led individuals and teams to levels of success that they had only dreamed of. And, with 15 years of automotive sales and management experience he is an expert in automotive dealerships, call centers, and phone sales (BDC). Mike speaks on motivation, goal setting, social media marketing, sales training, and leadership. Getting other people pumped up, fired up, growing, and moving towards their goals is what fuels Mike's passion! Stay tuned!

Springhill Church of Christ


The Springhill church of Christ is a group of Christians committed to following just the Bible in all that we say and do. Our goal is to be a local church like those found in the pages of the New Testament. Our collective worship and work reflect this focus. Our weekly uploads are Bible lesson presented by the Springhill church of Christ Evangelists. We invite you to study the Bible with us. Like those found in the pages of the New Testament the Springhill church is completely independent of all other churches. We would love for you to join us for worship. If you have any questions about what we do or concerns about whether we are following the New Testament, we sincerely encourage you to contact us. Mike Hughes on Social Media: △ http://www.mikealrhughes.com △ https://twitter.com/@mikeal_hughes △ https://instagram.com/macmikeal △ https://www.snapchat.com/add/macmikeal △ https://www.facebook.com/macmikeal △ Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-933671110 △ Rumble - rumble.com/user/SPHchurch All Business Inquiries use my contact: macmikeal@me.com Program inquire – sphcofc@gmail.com

Hill and Ponton P.A.


Hello, we are Hill and Ponton, a Veterans Disability and Social Security Disability law firm, and we are here to help you get the rightful VA benefits you deserve, understand your VA disability claims, and avoid costly errors in achieving a 100% disability rating from the VA! Our channel is all about teaching veterans about VA service-connected disability benefits for issues such as PTSD, Agent Orange, Depression, Anxiety, Toxic Exposure, Burn Pits, Gulf War Syndrome, and much much more! We talk about increasing your VA ratings and the extraordinary benefit known as VA Unemployability or TDIU. So if you're a disabled veteran struggling with the VA disability system, make sure to subscribe to our channel right now. We have over 30 years of experience and this channel is a way for us to share what we've learned since 1986 with you! We have worked on over 30,000 claims and have been able to recover over $300 million in benefits for our clients.