Heavenly Realms


Welcome to the "Heavenly Realms" Channel, your portal to the wisdom of higher evolved beings from realms beyond our own. Embark on a journey of enlightenment as we bring you channeled messages from benevolent entities hailing from other worlds, alternate dimensions, the inner earth, and the angelic realm. Dive into the boundless ocean of love and light as these celestial messengers share their profound insights, guidance, and teachings. Our channel is a sanctuary for those seeking spiritual growth, a deeper understanding of the universe, and a connection to the higher frequencies of existence. Explore the mysteries of the cosmos, unravel the secrets of inner earth civilizations, and bask in the divine wisdom of angelic beings. Each video is a transmission of love and light, designed to uplift, inspire, and expand your consciousness. Join our community of seekers, and let the wisdom of these higher evolved beings illuminate your path on this extraordinary journey. Subscribe to the "Heavenly Realms" and open your heart to the cosmic messages that await. If you enjoy these Devine Communications, please Like, Share, Subscribe as it takes funding, time and effort to produce these videos. God Bless.

Rain Heaven


🌧️ Welcome to Rain Heaven: Your Oasis of Serenity 🌧️ Step into a world where tranquility meets nature's rhythm, where every droplet carries a symphony of soothing melodies. Welcome to Rain Heaven – your portal to the mesmerizing embrace of rainfall, carefully curated to elevate your senses and enrich your soul. 🌦️ Immerse Yourself in Nature's Symphony 🌦️ Embark on a sensory journey as we transport you to different corners of the world, each raindrop a storyteller of its own. From the gentle pitter-patter of a spring drizzle to the dramatic crescendo of a thunderstorm, we bring you the full spectrum of rain's symphonic expressions. 🍃 Nature's Visual Poetry 🍃 Our high-definition, crystal-clear visuals capture the poetic dance of raindrops on leaves, the shimmering reflections on city streets, and the breathtaking vistas of rain-kissed landscapes. Witness the beauty of nature's liquid artistry in every frame. 🧘‍♂️ Wellness Through Rainfall 🧘‍♀️ Unwind, relax, and rejuvenate with our rain-inspired wellness content. Immerse yourself in guided meditation sessions accompanied by the gentle patter of raindrops, or use our rain soundscapes as the perfect backdrop for your yoga and mindfulness practices. 🌍 A Global Rain Experience 🌍 Join us on a virtual world tour of rainstorms, monsoons, and drizzles from across the globe. Explore the diverse cultures, landscapes, and weather phenomena that make each rain unique. From the serene rainforests of South America to the bustling streets of Tokyo during a summer shower, we've got it all. 🎁 Exclusive Raindrops for Subscribers 🎁 For our cherished subscribers, we offer exclusive content and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our rainmaking adventures. Join our community of rain enthusiasts and unlock a world of premium experiences. 🔔 Stay Tuned, Stay Relaxed 🔔 Don't miss a drop of the action. Hit that notification bell and let us be your constant source of serenity. Subscribe to Rain Heaven today and let us shower you with nature's most tranquil moments. Discover the beauty, serenity, and wonder of rain like never before. Join us on Rain Heaven and let the rain wash away your worries. 🌧️ Subscribe now, and let the rain embrace your senses. 🌧️



The autonomous sensory meridian response is an incredibly popular YouTube phenomenon and a convenient, and for some, very effective form of self-care. We use specialist equipment to create videos of close mic’d sounds that stimulate a warm, tingly sensation in some people. The deeply relaxing effect that ASMR can have on those who experience the phenomenon, makes it a useful life tool for the relief of stress, low mood, chronic pain and insomnia. Individuals describe ASMR as a feel-good, tingling sensation that begins in the scalp. The calming feeling begins as a response to certain sounds or visuals, known as ASMR triggers. As the person keeps listening or watching, the tingling sensation slowly spreads through their body, from the head and shoulders down into the spine, lower back, arms, and legs. Hope you like the videos Like and Subscribe Thanks

Citizens of Heaven Ministries


The United Pentecostal Church - Citizens of Heaven Ministries was founded in Camden, New Jersey by Pastor Cristobal Cordero and his wife Rosie Cordero in the late 1970s. Both of whom are now with the Lord. We are a Bible-believing ministry with the vision of reaching the whole world with the truth of God's Word. Our goal is to fulfill our role in the great commission by spreading the truth of the gospel. Moreover, our ministry's dream is to become an anchor to both our local and worldwide communities by providing resources/support for those in need.

Relax Mind


Welcome to Peace Is Heaven, the home of the world’s best relaxing music. Our purpose and passion is to help you relax, unwind and rejuvenate through better sleep, reduced stress, greater concentration and improved mental wellness. Our world-class composers produce relaxing music with binaural beats and state-enhancing frequencies to help you relax, sleep, focus, meditate and heal. We combine our music with imagery from the world’s most beautiful locations, ensuring that you will feel a sense of deep relaxation whilst watching them. Thank you for your support! Love, the Peace Is Heavenhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8bi7Ro0Sayn_8wd46ABPwQ

Heavens Homestead


We're on a mission, Sharon and Jimmy are out to do it all by hand! Building a homestead, mini-RV park, with cabins, all simply by the timber that's already supplied by God Himself on this property! We've rebranded from JaGAdventures to Heavens Homestead in 2022 after seeing the need of helping others see how God has blessed us, five hours away from where we started while on our JaGAdventures... While 2021 we traveled over 27,000+ miles with the RV in tow! We're very excited on showing and helping others understand, it's all possible, through God and His Love! If you're not religious, please know one thing, we only love you regardless! So if you're looking to learn more about sawmilling, building, whatever it may be, follow us on our adventure through our Heaven's Homestead channel here! We're very eager to learning new things along our journey here! #homestead #homesteading #sawmill #buildingbyhand #innovation #construction #livinglife

주님의 오시는 발자국 소리를 들으세요.


전세계 모든 나라는 지금, 사탄의 종인 권력자들의 말을 착실히 들으며 모든 사람들을 속이고 있습니다. 생각 해 보십시오. 당신의 인생동안 판데믹이 예고를 하고 이렇게 자주 있었던 적이 있습니까? 이것은 판데믹이 아닌 플랜데믹 입니다. 이제 그들이 다시 한번 사기극을 펼치려고 합니다. 믿지 못하시겠지만 조류독감 판데믹으로 겁을 주기 시작했으며 WHO는 지난 3년간의 방역정책보다 더욱 강력한, 각 나라 정부의 법보다 위에 있는 방역정책에 대한 모든 준비를 마쳤습니다. 음모론이라고 무시하고 눈과 귀를 닫아버리기엔 그 댓가가 너무 치명적입니다. 왜냐하면 이번엔 몸만 상하거나 죽는 것으로 끝나지 않기 때문입니다. 깨어나십시오!! 지난 3년간 전세계를 뒤흔든 전염병과 예고와 함께 다시 한번 들려오는 전염병 소식... 민족과 민족의 전쟁에 불나방같이 뛰어드는 나라들로 인해 이제는 불가피해진 3차 세계대전과 이로인한 식량난... 과학적으로 설명할 수 없는 기상이변과 극심한 지진, 화산 등의 천재지변... 이 모든 일이 성경에 예언된 그대로 일어나고 있습니다. 지금 당신의 삶은 이 일들로부터 자유롭고 평화롭기 때문에 남의 일처럼 멀게만 느껴지십니까? 오히려 하나님께 감사하십시오!! 그만큼 오래 참고 기다리며 끊임없이 당신이 알 수 있는 많은 싸인을 주셨습니다. 바로 지금이 예수님께서 공중강림과 재림을 말씀하셨던 마지막 때입니다. 하나님이 정하신 기다림의 때가 이제 끝나갑니다. 그 전에 깨어나십시오!!