titus le naturel vivant créditeur


Bonjour a tous les naturels vivants. 🖐 🔵La Fraude au nom légal, ou comment les états, et la république française, nous a transformé dès notre naissance, en objet/personne qu’elle peut gérer, emprisonner, voler, taxer, frapper … La personnalité juridique est le boulet à la cheville du vivant naturel qui nous a rendu esclave. Ce n’est pas de la philosophie mais la Loi et la réalité. ➡La fraude au nom légal, de quoi s'agit-il? (fraude nom propre, la fraude au nom, fraude du nom légal, fraude du nom, fraude au nom légal la fraude au nom légal) 🔵Une personne est une fiction juridique. ➡Une personne doit payer des impôts. ✔Un naturel vivant ne paye pas d’impôts. ➡Une personne doit payer des amendes. ✔Un vivant naturel ne paye pas d’amende. ➡Une personne juridique est le contribuable de l'état et paye ses transports, ses péages, l’eau ainsi que l’électricité. ✔Un vivant naturel ne paye pas les transports, les péages, l’eau, l’électricité, et cela n’est pas une fraude!

Canada Immigration Explore


Canada Immigration Explore to support professionals throughout Canada. You will see alot of information regarding Immigration Canada, Jobs in Canada, Admission open in Canada and much more. Please do not forget to subscribe my channel for more information. Thank You Canada Immigration Explore (formerly Canadian Jobs Explore) #Canadaimmigrationexplore Disclaimer: This channel is not owned by an any Canada Government Agency or an Immigration Lawyer. The contents in the channel is for informational purpose only collected from Various public domains. you may need to contact an expert immigration attorney for your specific immigration needs and more information please visit to Canada Website. I am not an immigration consultant. All videos on this channel related to immigrating to Canada is based on my research and opinion. I give all information and advices here FREE of charge. All the videos on the channel are made for educational purposes.

Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation


Welcome to Our Duty Canada- Supporting Parents of Children and Adolescents Experiencing Gender Ideation. We believe that no child can consent to off-label chemical hormones and permanent surgical procedures. It is our duty to inform and support parents, to work toward increasing public knowledge and to pressure our socio-medical-political system into conducting itself from an evidence-based perspective. We know that children are being harmed by so-called “gender affirming care” every day in Canada with their once trusted medical and mental health bodies, schools, media and their government acting as catalysts for their desire and ease in accessing these experimental treatments. We are proud to represent Our Duty as we build this Canadian Chapter.

END RACE BASED LAW Petition Canada


Main Rumble Channel: END RACE BASED LAW Canada https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWCanada Join Us In The Future Of A Unified Canada - ONE NATION, ONE LAW Where To Find Us Rumble - Bitchute - Truth Social - Wordpress Daily News Stories https://endracebasedlaw.ca Feature Stories https://endracebasedlaw.com ******************** On Truth Social: @ENDRACEBASEDLAWCanada https://truthsocial.com/@ENDRACEBASEDLAWCanada @ENDRACEBASEDLAW https://truthsocial.com/@ENDRACEBASEDLAW @ENDRACEBASEDLAWPetition https://truthsocial.com/@ENDRACEBASEDLAWPETITION @Gerry4Canada https://truthsocial.com/@Gerry4Canada @Michele4Canada https://truthsocial.com/@Michele4Canada ********************* On Rumble: END RACE BASED LAW Canada https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWCanada END RACE BASED LAW https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAW END RACE BASED LAW Petition https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWPetitionCanada Michele Tittler END RACE BASED LAW https://rumble.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWMicheleTittler https://rumble.com/MicheleTittlerENDRACEBASEDLAW ******************** On Bitchute: END RACE BASED LAW Canada https://www.bitchute.com/endracebasedlawcanada/ END RACE BASED LAW https://www.bitchute.com/endracebasedlaw/ END RACE BASED LAW Petition Canada https://www.bitchute.com/endracebasedlawPetitionCanada Michele Tittler END RACE BASED LAW https://www.bitchute.com/micheletittlerendracebasedlaw/ ************************* On Wordpress: VIDEOS on ERBL http://endracebasedlaw.com/category/video-by-erbl/ https://endracebasedlaw.ca https://endracebasedlaw.ca https://endracebasedlaw.com/2024/05/24/where-to-find-us/ https://constitutioncanada.wordpress.com (Rewriting The Canadian Constitution) ****************** On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAW/ https://www.facebook.com/ENDRACEBASEDLAWPetitionCanada/ *********************** On Twitter: @ERBLincCanada https://x.com/ERBLincCanada @PetitionERBL https://x.com/PetitionERBL @Gerry4Canada https://x.com/Gerry4Canada @Michele4Canada4 https://x.com/Michele4Canada4 @Unity4Canada4 https://x.com/Unity4Canada4



Here at The Natural Monk, you can find music to practice Reiki, Meditation, Yoga. Also, tracks for Relaxation, Sleeping, and compositions with Solfeggio & Binaural Beats. \\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nOur music will help you to relieve stress. Or relieve yourself from negative feelings like anxiety and help to enhance positive energy in you. It can also give your meditation techniques a boost if you use this type of soothing music as you meditate. It can also have a healing capacity where you will learn how to find inner peace and heal yourself within with the capability of music.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nOur music cannot cure a health condition nor does it want to replace the advice of a doctor or health care provider. Never listen to our music whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nEnjoy your listening!

FantasMinas Investigação Sobrenatural


fantasminas #dynnoeduda #dynnoecesar Inscreva-se https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCmM8AAZcrhlKLbEEijhrEQ Contato FantasMinas EMAIL: minasfantas@gmail.com Redes Sociais FantasMinas: Página: https://www.facebook.com/dynnoedudafalaai/ Instagram: @fantas.minas *************************************** Quer divulgar seu negócio, seu produto ou sua empresa? Entre em contato no e-mail abaixo e solicite o numero de telefone: E-mail : minasfantas@gmail.com (para envio de vídeos e fotos parcerias, eventos, apoios e patrocínios) NÃO ENVIE LINKS PARA NOSSO E-MAIL. NÃO CLICAMOS E NEM ABRIMOS QUALQUER TIPO DE LINKS.