Max Alpha King


The world’s top classical and popular music composer, performer, arranger and producer. COMPOSING Max Alpha King is “one of the best classical composer-pianists of this century so far”, having published not only many piano solos and duets but also three concertos for piano and orchestra. His composing style is broadly classical, adding his own creativity, originality, personality, and modern rhythms to create a distinctive style. PERFORMING His performance, of a wide repertoire (from Baroque to Modern pieces) shows disciplined clarity, effortless technique, and insightful musicianship. He aims to help the listener hear, enjoy, and appreciate musical detail better. ABOUT M. A. King studied piano and composition at the RCM in London, before getting his graduate and postgraduate musicology degrees from London and Manchester Universities. A British Mensan, he has many other professional qualifications and interests. His YouTube popular music channel is at: @ilordmax ❤️

Intro to "Its a Mad Mad Homestead" showing new Kubota L3650 HSTC Cab


There is something comforting about finally realizing that the benefits outweigh the costs of something like this when doing the kind of work that isn’t as easy to do any more, or even possibly never was able to be done at all. I can’t believe I waited so long...Some of the attachments purchased in the last 6 months are interspersed in the video. We will offer up additional info on decision making and pricing, issues, maintenance, and adding features shortly in new videos.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n2019 Kubota L3560 Special Edition with Cab HSTC Trans\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nNew this year in July- Mid pandemic purchase... \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n37HP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nBH92 Backhoe\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nLandpride 72" Grapple SGC1072\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nThird Function Valve\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nLA 805 Loader with Spill Guard\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nTitan 3600 Forks\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nTitan Implements 54" Fork Mount Work Platform\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nTitan 72" Rear 3PT Heavy Duty Back Blade\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nTitan Implements Quick Attach to 3 Point Trailer Hitch\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nHD 72" Round Back Bucket\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n3PT Post Hole with 10" Auger