We The People of Northwest Louisiana


We the People of Northwest Louisiana provide information for candidates running for office and for issues affecting the American way of life. People make better decisions at election time when they are informed about the candidates and issues presented on the ballots. They also are provided information on those issues proposed to our legislators who are voting in the legislative sessions. They can better determine whether their legislators are representing them as their constituents during the legislative sessions.

PeopleUnited.net Verified


Supporting your Freedom and Sovereignty, from Grassroots to Global. Visit https://www.PeopleUnited.net to learn more about our Five Points of Agreement: We support a government that only reflects the Will of the People. We support our inalienable rights for all and in all circumstances.  We support that all economic-related government decisions meet the needs of “We The People” We support personal health freedom and freedom of speech in all ways We support, protect, and secure the principles of our United States Constitutional Republic.  

Believe In People


We Believe In People. We elevate good. We refuse to despair. We have hope. But hope takes work, and hope requires action. Why? Because action builds hope. 'Believe In People' is a podcast for all the untold stories, kind actions, beautiful feats, human connection, extraordinary experiences, new initiatives, and for all those doing ‘good’ in the world. Join hosts, Kevin Tibbles & Amy Goldberg for a positive spark of humanity. Believe In People. A podcast for people with hope.