كوكب المعلومات

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,مرحبًا مرحبًا بك في "كوكب المعلومات". في قناتنا على رونبل، نقوم بإنشاء وتوفير محتوى مليء بالمعرفة والمعلومات الشيقة حول كل أنواع الأشياء. واللغة الرئيسية للمحتوى هي العربية Hi There, Welcom to "كوكب المعلومات" wich is Arabic for "The planet of knowledge". In our Rumble-channel we create and provide content full of knowledge and interesting informations about all kind of things. The content language is mainly in Arabic.

Ari Mnemonic

1 Follower

As an independent musician, Ari has been enchanting audiences with her voice and evocative lyrics. Drawing from a wide range of influences, she infuses her music with elements of pop, rock, electronic, jazz, and folk to create a sound that is uniquely her own, She has collaborated with artists such as Dana Colley of Vapors of Morphine, formerly Morphine, for the noir-inspired single Sirens in the City and Canadian musician Johnny Nocash for the single The Last Rose. Ari is a creative who has always found strength in music. Music has pulled her out of the darkest moments of her life, fighting Ovarian Cancer and battling mental health disorders, so she produces music that would help her audience reflect on their own struggles and turmoil. In addition to her music, Ari is also an accomplished artist. Her style blends traditional painting and drawing techniques with digital art to create haunting and surreal pieces that are beautiful and unsettling. Ari's art often explores the darker side of the human psyche, delving into themes of fear, anxiety, and mental health. Drawing from influences like classic horror movies to contemporary art, Ari's art is always evolving. But, Ari's music and art are more than just a means of expression. She is passionate about using her work to raise awareness for mental health issues, and spark conversation for a greater understanding of the complex and often misunderstood world of mental health. As an RYT-certified Yoga Instructor with the Yoga Alliance, Ari is committed to sharing the benefits of yoga with others. She believes that yoga is a powerful tool for healing, both, physically and mentally, and she strives to create a welcoming and inclusive environment. Her teaching style is rooted in mindfulness, and compassion, encouraging students to connect with their bodies and minds in a deep and meaningful way. She has been dedicated to her personal yoga practice for over fifteen years. Ari is originally from New Bedford, Massachusetts, but presently, resides in Maine.

Arabic nasheed || music || halal music

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Welcome to our dedicated Rumble channel, where we bring you the soothing melodies of Arabic Nasheed - the epitome of halal music. Dive into a world where spirituality meets musical harmony, offering a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Arabic Nasheed, deeply rooted in Islamic culture, captivates hearts with its melodious tunes and profound lyrics, fostering a sense of tranquility and devotion. Our channel serves as a sanctuary for those seeking soulful experiences through permissible music. Immerse yourself in a collection of enchanting nasheeds, carefully curated to uplift your spirits and strengthen your connection with the Divine. From traditional compositions to contemporary renditions, our channel celebrates the rich tapestry of Islamic musical heritage. Indulge in the melodies that transcend language barriers, resonating with listeners across the globe. Whether you seek solace, inspiration, or simply wish to bask in the beauty of Islamic artistry, our channel promises a journey of enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment. Join us on this harmonious voyage as we explore the captivating realm of Arabic Nasheed - where music meets devotion, and every note echoes the praises of Allah. Subscribe now and embark on a soul-stirring odyssey unlike any other.