

I create videos on Catholicism. The topics include: historical events and people, prayers, scientific understanding and theological talks with my pastor. Occasionally, current events pop up, especially if it deals with the crises in the Church. My background is that of a scientist and will be relating my expertise as a statistician to church topics like miracles and philosophical understandings. I first started as a way to help my children understand some parts of the faith. With my pastor, it then expanded to help those in our parish. Now, I am helping anyone willing to listen. I stick to orthodoxy and in the event I slip, am open to charitable correction.

Integrative Osteopathy®, por Patrícia Trigo


Integrative Osteopathy® é um método que engloba e integra a Osteopatia Clássica, a Osteopatia Visceral e Neural, a Terapia Sacro-Craniana e várias Terapias Energéticas Multidimensionais. Tem como objectivo dar resposta a uma procura crescente das Terapias Complementares, cuja abordagem holística permite obter bons resultados no tratamento de várias manifestações de dor. Acima de tudo, pretende-se compreender e tratar as causas e não os sintomas, promovendo a saúde! Neste canal, encontra a rubrica "Despertar em Consciência", um local de conversas expontâneas e descontraídas, sobre variadíssimos temas que considero importantes no início desta Nova Era. Todos os sábados, um convidado, um tema, uma partilha de vida. Nos Tutorias encontra informação útil e específica, que frequentemente partilho com os meus pacientes como extensão das minhas consultas. Esta informação está facilmente disponível para ser vista as vezes necessárias, como prática consciente de cura e bem-estar.

Marian news - 1_Mary Unveils the Apocalypse


God designated a priest to explain the Apocalypse, and He sent the Blessed Mother to personally instruct him. Our generation is chosen to be part of the Book of Revelation. Some generations were chosen to live in the time of a biblical event, the crossing of the Red Sea, or at the time of Jesus. From 1973-1997 an Italian priest named Stefano (Steve) Gobbi heard interior locutions from the Mother of God. She explained much of the symbolic language of the Book of Revelation, thus giving us the key to decode this difficult but inspired book. I ask you to force yourself to read the Book of Revelation. It’s really only twenty pages Don’t read the footnotes, that will be a useless distraction, but expose yourself to the book as a whole, so that as we discuss it in the coming weeks you’ll have a have an better idea of the structure and symbols.