Palantir Vision


Palantir Vision is a finance channel covering all things Palantir Technologies (PLTR). News on Palantir Foundry, Palantir Gotham, Palantir Apollo, and PLTR stock is discussed in a concise and analytical manner, making it easy to stay well-informed on the latest from Palantir. Other content includes interviews with industry professionals and supercuts of Palantir events. Disclaimer: Content does not stand as financial advice and is not meant to influence towards an investment decision. (The full legal disclosure is available at

Animal Adventures


If you're looking for a workout buddy, a cat may not be your best choice. While cats are known to be agile and will occasionally spend time playing games with you, they aren't known to be athletic, per se. Dogs, on the other hand, are usually great exercise pals. Many breeds enjoy running and hiking, and will happily trek along on any trip. Just because cats aren't into exercise, doesn't mean they aren't nimble. Cats have lean muscles and will pounce or leap when stalking prey, even if that prey happens to be a fun feather toy you're swaying back and forth on the carpet. Playtime with dogs and cats is also very different. While many dogs enjoy a game of fetch, cats will often watch you toss a ball, and then walk away, unwilling to join in on your game. For a cat, fun playtime may consist of pouncing on your feet when you're lying under the covers and sleeping. Cats are nocturnal animals, says the Animal Humane Society, and enjoy playing at night, when your dog is most likely snoring gently.