Video Series over de Beste Klassiekers van de Oostenrijkse School


Welkom bij Oostenrijkse Economie – Waar de principes van de Oostenrijkse school eenvoudig worden uitgelegd. De Oostenrijkse school, met grote namen zoals Carl Menger en Ludwig von Mises, biedt waardevolle inzichten over hoe markten werken, hoe waarde ontstaat en waarom vrije handel en individuele keuze essentieel zijn. Veel van hun werken zijn complex en moeilijk toegankelijk. Daarom maken wij het eenvoudig! In korte, duidelijke video’s leggen we de kernideeën van klassiekers uit. Zo wordt deze waardevolle kennis toegankelijk voor iedereen – van beginners tot kenners. Waarom is dit belangrijk? Omdat economie de basis vormt van onze samenleving. Begrijpen hoe markten werken, helpt je betere beslissingen te nemen en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen beter te doorzien. De Oostenrijkse school laat zien waarom vrije markten cruciaal zijn voor groei en welvaart. Abonneer je op Oostenrijkse Economie en ontdek hoe de inzichten van deze grote denkers je kijk op de wereld kunnen veranderen!

Pray in the Desert | Alena Van Dyke Ministries


Alena Van Dyke is a spiritual mentor, author, teacher, podcast hostess, and friend to wounded hearts. Alena is the author of Return to Love: Restoring the Heart of Christianity and the host of the Restoring Christianity podcast where she shares ancient truths in relatable ways and inspires you to live with intention because everything is spiritual and everything we do and say has eternal significance. In a time when the heart of the Lord is misrepresented, and the name of Christ misused, she is a clarifying voice for modern Christian living and reminds us to choose wholehearted love for the Lord over religious legalism. Alena is the President of Alena Van Dyke Ministries and Pray in the Desert where believers gather together to pray, heal, and worship Jesus in the beautiful state of New Mexico. Her team believes God's dream is to birth a 24/7 house of prayer in the desert, and they hope to worship him under the beautiful night sky until he returns.

Ian Ormiston - The Music Realtor


Hey, this is Ian Ormiston "The Music Realtor" and welcome to my channel! I am a Grand Rapids, MI based singer/songwriter & REALTOR®. I post all my music and real estate videos right here on this channel but, if you're looking to get in contact with me or come see me play live, then you'll want to click on my Linktree link down below for more info. I am here to help you navigate the stressful process of buying and selling your home. I get asked a lot "why are you called The Music Realtor?" and the simple answer is because I have rolled my two passions/businesses into one brand. Realtor by day and musician by night, The Music Realtor is my way of bringing these things together to share them both with the world.

Van Life Peers


VAN LIFE PEERS LLC is a technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) company that is primarily engaged in providing subscription-based non-fungible token profile and/or marketplace services to subscribers of the VAN LIFE™ Peers platform ( ✅ Opportunity to become a strategic partner to participate in securing a billion-dollar valuation for a technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) company ✅ NFT IRL MMORPG (non-fungible token in real life massively multiplayer online role-playing game) ✅ 100% creator earnings ✅ 100% paid advertisement revenue ✅ 50% commission affiliate program ✅ 50% social media monetization ✅ $100,000 per real estate listing monetization ✅ $500,000 pay-per-services invitation promotion ✅ Same day payout(s) ✅ Free subscription/advertisement via inquiry ✅ Homepage user profiles ✅ Film/Television talent attachment agreements ✅ Turn your paid subscription(s) into gross or net point(s) and redeem your gross or net point(s) if you are cast in a VAN LIFE™ film/television project produced in part by VAN LIFE ENTERTAINMENT LLC