American Patriots for God and Country Verified


🪖 MISSION STATEMENT: American Patriot Steve Baldassari operates this channel standing firmly for God, Country, and Truth in an End Times world that seems to have lost its way. We true God-fearing American Patriots are willing to stand in the gap and fight for freedom. At a time where most people are making excuses to simply bend the knee and comply with tyrants and their tyranny, as God is our witness, you have our word #WeWilNotComply! 👕 MERCH STORE: For the love of ✞ God and 🇺🇸 Country, SHOP! If you do, be sure to use the SAVE15 discount code at checkout to save 15% on your order(s). 💰 DONATE (Locals): or (PayPal): ⬇️ FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ⬇️ 1. Rumble - 2. Telegram - 3. Brighteon - 4. Truth Social - 5. BitChute - Until next time, stay American, stay Patriotic, and above all else, stay Godly... PEACE!

Americans for Intelligence Reform


Politically conservative, intelligent news; bringing you facts and analysis from a 25-year CIA officer. What mainstream media plays down or ignores, we cover in depth. Brad Johnson, now retired, brings his extensive first-hand knowledge from his domestic and international intelligence responsibilities. Elected officials have lost sight of the Rule of Law and public safety. and our international enemies wish to seek our destruction and domination. Developments in those arenas are covered regularly here and hosted by various media outlets. Please subscribe and share. Brad Johnson is President of Americans for Intelligence Reform and you can visit to learn more and for all video interviews and printed articles. Links



Welcome to School of the American Rifle Rumble Page! School of the American Rifle is a Technical/Armorers Training Course located in Elkton MD, that focuses on the popular and modular, direct-impingement AR15 rifle, carbine, short barreled rifle, and pistol. Our Gunsmith & Instructor "Instructor Chad" is dedicated to guiding his students to develop a deep and thorough understanding of the AR15. Our training philosophy is simple, we strive to give each student an intense and intimate understanding of their AR15 that rivals the knowledge that many professional Gunsmiths and Armorers possess.



Heartbreaking video footage of the carnage that these COVID-19 “vaccines” has caused to many of us, that everyone needs to see. Unconstitutional Mandates to get these jabs or lose our jobs, not be able to travel, etc. has caused so much grief to millions of people, including so many deaths. Those of us who were brave enough to resist may have personally avoided so much of the pain, but we’ve had to stand by and watch far too much suffering. Forcing these shots on so many of us qualifies as Crimes Against Humanity as so many people have suffered so severely, and too many people have needlessly lost loved ones. What makes it even more criminal is that these “vaccines’ are not vaccines at all, they are TREATMENTS, known as gene therapy, or more accurately, gene modification therapy, as they will not prevent anyone from getting it or spreading it. So what is the point of getting as many people to fall for getting these jabs, other than making the vaccine manufacturers literally BILLIONS of dollars at the expense of the health and lives of the people? That, and government control over the people, IS the point!



THE AMERICAN REPORT is a podcast that defends free speech and talks about what the media bought by globalist elites do not speak I am going to uncover all the lies of the government and how the globalists are implementing a New World Order through the Great Reset. I am Cristian PM and the host and owner of this podcast that I hope will awaken many people. I am just an American patriot who is tired of this Big Lie and wants to be part of the Great Awakening. You can follow me on all my social media to support me and keep you informed about the latest news. May God Bless America.

African Diaspora News Channel Verified


African Diaspora News Channel presents international news, social commentary, travel, and health. We're committed to reporting truthful and accurate news. Our viewers expect and love the "tell it like it is" style of reporting. We're dedicated to bringing stories that spark conversation and topics that aren't comfortable in a politically correct world. We will say what we believe and stand against propaganda. You can expect a balanced opinion in our news commentaries. We believe our viewing audience guides the direction of our platform.