Bas Boon Says


BoonFamily Goes Pigshit, The Boon family leaves their luxurious lifestyle life in Pattaya and moves to Esan, Thailand. Everybody who remembers the Tv hit "The Beverly Hillbillies" is a low-income family who got suddenly rich and moved from the farmland to the city of Beverly Hills, California. Boon, I got myself into a Real-time opposite situation with my family. Three months after the pandemic started the Boon Family left Pattaya City to live on Kato's farm. The farm got built the last year for Kato's family. It was never the intention for Mama Rak and Papa Bas to leave their luxurious houses and lifestyle in Pattaya till the Thai Government closed the borders because of the #COVID #pandemic. Papa Bas did not hesitate twice. Together with Mama Rak (then pregnant with Conan Boon) and Baby Kato Boon, they decided to leave their mansion in Pattaya to go live on a farm in the Esan (farm district in Thailand near Laos's border). No more beaches, boat trips, islands, and fancy restaurants.



GOD MESSAGE FOR YOU TODAY | GOD MESSAGE | GOD MESSAGE FOR ME TODAY | God helps | God says @god helps today #Godmessagetoday #Godhelps #jesus #Lordjesus #jesuschrist #Godmessage #christanmotivation Listen carefully, what does God want to say to you today. A message from god, A massage from jesus, This message is from the one who created us. (Inspired by bible) ------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS VIDEO : 1.god message 2.god message for me today 3.gods message 4.gods message for me today 5.god 6.gods message for you today 7.christian motivation 8.god helps 9.god blessings message 10.god message for you today 11.jesus message quotes 13.god says 14.god's message for you today 15.gods message for me 16. Message of god 17.god thoughts 18.Message from the universe 19.Urgent message from god 20.Universe Message 21.Faith quotes 22.Jesus quotes 23.God Blessings message 24.Joel Osteen 25 Bible quotes 26Bible message 27.Quotes god 28.Godly quotes 29.Bible god quotes 30Life quotes 31.Faith god quotes 32.Christian Motivation

Mark.15:16 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.


Mk :16:17 And These Signs shall follow them that believe; In my Name shall they cast out devils; They shall speak with new tongues. The Apostolic & Prophetic meet as they both work hand in hand, bringing you The Gospel of The Kingdom. Where Prayer, the Preached Word, Prophecy, Healing & Deliverance takes place with many testifying to the Power of God, through operating in the Fivefold ministry ascension gifts reaching the lost for the Kingdom of God, In Yeshua's (Jesus) Name.