The Chronicles of Still Waters


My name is Still Waters, and these are my stories. I am an Experiencer of The Phenomenon, an Empath, a Lucid Dreamer and a High Consciousness Traveler of other dimensions and alternate timelines that make up our Universe. Over the past several years I have awakened to a state of Consciousness that has allowed me to glimpse into my simultaneous lives occurring in this Universe. Like pages of a notepad these alternate timelines are contained and exist simultaneously as one, and like the ink from a felt tipped pen my Higher Consciousness bleeds into these timelines night after night to experience these alternate timelines of my life. I do not pretend to know the purpose of these High Consciousness Experiences, only that they happen to me every night in full detail and have decided to start writing them down and sharing them. Step into my world of awakening and enlightenment that I call, The Chronicles of Still Waters.

Digital Art and Music by Stellas Starseeds


Welcome, beautiful soul! Welcome to a peaceful fantasy world of music and art! I invite you to enter another dimension, full of wonders, love and excitement! Music does influence our mood and feelings, our feelings do influence our thoughts, our thoughts become our actions, our actions can change our lives. So why not listen to relaxing music tuned to 432 Hz, which will make you feel comfortable and happy? This should be the time, you take for yourself, to breathe deeply and relax your body and mind. You can close your eyes and concentrate on different sounds you can discover in my music. Or you can watch this short background video, which I create myself for my music tracks and for others. Creativity flows through me and turns into music, but sometimes it becomes a painting, photography, jewellery, digital art, video or a painted wall… You can find my other work spread all over the internet under my artist name “Stellas Starseeds”. Hope, you enjoy your time here with me! Until we meet again - stay magical!

Social Distillation


Social distillation is the metaphor for process driven truth seeking. We're taking the messy wash and adding a little heat to pull out the truth. Obviously it's an organic process so therefore not perfect. Imperfections provide flavor though. So our goal is to remove the methanol (poisonous untruth), and then find the right flavor to purity ratio for the situation. News should have a different purity standard than say comedy. We also want to bring back the discourse. People sitting around the fire with a spirit and sense of humor to discuss the ins and outs of society without todays norm of hatred and tribalism.