Sightings: The Complete Series


Sightings is an American paranormal and news television show that first aired in the 1990s. The show began on October 17, 1991 as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings. It was followed by the follow-up reports, Ghost Report and the Psychic Experience. The creator and supervising producer of the initial episode, produced by Paramount for Fox TV, was Linda Moulton Howe. One of her episodes was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked to extraterrestrial beings. The show was beloved by paranormal fans in the early 90s and has since been lost to time.

MRC TV series


MRC Production is Award Winning production house that addresses Socio-Cultural Factors Impending Young people’s Awareness of Reproductive Health Issues, Academic, Relation, Career and Spiritual as well. Vision: To empower the younger generation to make informed choices and live fulfilling lives. Aim: To guide and support individuals in various aspects of life, enabling them to make choices aligned with their values. Goals: 1. Provide education and resources for informed decision-making. 2. Foster personal growth and development. 3. Create a positive impact on the community. Values: 1. Integrity: Promoting honesty and ethical decision-making. 2. Empowerment: Encouraging individuals to take control of their lives. 3. Inclusivity: Embracing diversity and respecting individual differences. Mission: The Make the Right Choice Movement is dedicated to empowering the younger generation through workshops, seminars, mentoring programs.

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