Mosteiro de Nossa Senhora da Fé e Rosário


Publicação de homilias, alocuções, catequeses e palestras e outros relacionadas à Religião Católica segundo a sua doutrina tradicional. 🔎 Quem somos: 🔎Sobre o voto de Estabilidade: 🔎Código da FBMV: 🔎PROFISSÃO DE FÉ E RESISTÊNCIA CATÓLICA DA F.B.M.V.: ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ ☑️Telegram: ☑️Blog: ☑️E-mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ✝️ Missa tridentina ⏱Seg a sáb: início entre 6:20h e 6:30h (missa rezada) ⏱Domingos: 8:00h (missa com cânticos) Causa nostrae laetitiae, ora pro nobis! (saudação utilizada entre nossos religiosos, e mesmo entre nossos fiéis).



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Israel First TV Programme


Israel First TV Programme focuses on News, Interviews and Features from Israel together with teaching from a Hebraic perspective. The Programme is presented by Martin and Nathalie Blackham from the Israel First TV Studios In Jerusalem, Israel. It is broadcast every Friday on Angel TV Network via Satellite on the following channels: Australia, Far East, Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish and America. It is also broadcast on GLC TV Network, Israel TV Network and Son Broadcasting TV Network.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nMartin and Nathalie Blackham have been presenting TV Programmes featuring news and features about Israel since 2004 on Revelation TV, Inspiration Network TV, FaithGlobe TV, Faith TV and CWeb TV. Israel First TV Programme is their current show which has been broadcast on Angel TV since 2016, on GLC TV Network and Israel TV Network since 2018 and on Son Broadcasting TV Network since 2019. Discover the land, the people and the language through interviews and current events in the land of Israel.

IVALA® - 3D Veterinary Anatomy - Promo Verified


Our patients are 3-dimensional, and the problems we deal with on a daily basis as a practitioner require us to engage with them that way. Like which way you need to derotate a stomach during a GDV; or the neuroanatomy that might be diseased given an abnormal cranial nerve reflex; or which way we need to tilt our ultrasound probe to give us a better view of the left adrenal. To date however, the overwhelming majority of teaching material has focused on these concepts in just 2-dimensions. A concept that should be straightforward to understand, commit to memory & ultimately utilise for the benefit of our patients, all of a sudden isn’t. We’re on a mission to change that. Join now:

Vagarosa Por Aí


Em 2019 resolvemos viver em movimento e abrir mão de uma estrutura fixa para chamar de lar. Deixamos o aluguel e decidimos viajar de moto com uma barraca vivendo com o mínimo possível, em movimento e bem devagar! 🐦🌎 Percorremos o litoral catarinense e Paranaense, atravessamos a Serra da Canastra e conhecemos São Tomé das Letras nessa aventura! Perto do final de 2019 o nosso caminho cruzou com o da Vagarosa, uma kombi Clipper furgão 1986, que em alguns meses na garagem foi ganhando forma e se transformou na nossa pequena porém aconchegante casinha que nos carrega e abriga por essas terras tupiniquins e desde fevereiro de 2020 estamos vivendo na estrada e documentando parte da nossa vivência no trecho neste canal! 💕🤛 Siga também no youtube, Instagram, Facebook e kwai @VagarosaPorAi 🙏