Jumping rope will work your calf muscles, quads, hamstrings, glutes, abs, oblique muscles


Jumping rope will work your calf muscles, quads, hamstrings, glutes, abs, oblique muscles, forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, back muscles, and chest muscles. Not only are you building strength in your lower body, but you're also engaging your entire upper body to control the force when you swing the rope. Jump Rope with me and Get Lean and Live Healthy. We're here to help you get lean and live more by incorporating jump rope into your fitness routine. We created this community because we have helped, people struggling to stay lean. With just a jump rope and the world as your gym we are here to teach you how to do the same. Have a media inquiry or would like to partner with us? Email us here: withmjumprope@gmail.com Follow me, with the links below!

Jump Rope Anon17


My journey to getting the six-pack back that I haven't seen for over 30+ years by basically Jumping Rope and daily Navy Seal Burpees. Being a keen cyclist and trotting about doing an off-road 5-10k run a few times a week, usually in the warmer weather, I decided to re-join the gym now it's winter again and properly learn to jump rope, boxer style, and maybe throw in a few tricks once I really get the foot movement nailed and stop tripping on the rope . I'm really surprised MORE people DO NOT dance in the gym lol as everyone's listening 'covertly' to whatever banging choons they have in their earphones! I'm constantly moving and jigging about in the gym and I'm building up to a jump rope Binary Finary video. Now THAT is a banging banging CHOON 👊🏽🙏🏽🕉❤️

Angry Gay Pope Hollywood Gaythiest


Hardy Boys + Daily Show + Blair WItch Project = Angry Gay Pope - Like to laugh at evil religions and cults? Come right in! I've been exposing the Church of Scientology in Hollywood since 2008. They have rewarded me with seven lawsuits, three DDOS hack attacks and multiple takedowns of legit Youtube channels. So you know I must be telling the truth about this false "religion" and what it is doing to Southern California. My magic must be very powerful or they would not hate me so much. I’m an Emmy winning animator and also helped Leah Remini win multiple Emmys with her show.

Warmtepomp Eindhoven


Welkom bij de officiële podcast van Warmtepomp Eindhoven, dé expert in warmtepompen en duurzame oplossingen voor verwarming en koeling. Via onze podcast delen we waardevolle inzichten, praktische tips en inspirerende verhalen over alles wat met warmtepompen te maken heeft. Of u nu een huiseigenaar, ondernemer of installateur bent, onze afleveringen bieden voor iedereen nuttige informatie. Van het kiezen van de juiste warmtepomp tot het onderhoud en de installatie, we bespreken het allemaal. Daarnaast houden we u op de hoogte van de nieuwste innovaties, trends en subsidies in de branche. Onze experts delen hun kennis op een toegankelijke en informatieve manier, zodat u volledig geïnformeerd bent over de voordelen van een duurzame investering. Bezoek onze website www.warmtepompeindhoven.com voor meer informatie over onze diensten en om te luisteren naar onze nieuwste afleveringen. Met Warmtepomp Eindhoven blijft u altijd een stap vooruit in de wereld van duurzame energie! Abonneer u vandaag nog op onze podcast en laat u inspireren!