Mindfulness po polsku


Słowa, których używamy na co dzień, mają na nas ogromny wpływ – język kształtuje nasze relacje z ludźmi i rzeczami. Niby oczywiste, ale tak długo, jak pamiętamy o tym, gdy myślimy o komunikacji z innymi, zapominamy o tym, gdy prowadzimy wewnętrzny monolog. Jednak sposób, w jaki rozmawiamy ze sobą, może również kształtować naszą miłość do siebie. Czy pozwoliłbyś komuś innemu mówić do ciebie tak, jak ty mówisz do siebie? Dokładnie… W takim razie zadbaj o to, co sobie mówisz. Oczywiście budowanie zdrowej samooceny i pewności siebie wymaga czegoś więcej niż słów 🙂. Ale to, co mówimy sobie, może mieć znaczenie, co potwierdza wiele badań. Mówienie do siebie to jedna z najbardziej naturalnych, ale niedocenianych umiejętności, jakie posiadamy. Twoja wewnętrzna mowa może stymulować autorefleksję, zwiększać motywację i łączyć Cię z emocjami. Badania kanadyjskiego profesora Alaina Morina pokazują, że istnieje silny związek między częstszym rozmawianiem ze sobą a wyższą samoświadomością.

Polish Custom Knives


Polish Custom Knives is a place, where you can find knives from our polish craftsmen. We are happy to have presented our wide range of products, which are targeted towards everyone, who treasures solid craftsmanship and applied art. Knives, which you are presented with, come from the hands of people with passion, who are in this profession for years, but also those, who are only beginning their adventure on the path. This translates into the uniqueness of each of the products, which carry the marks of their makers. We can assure you in one thing-- each piece which reaches your hand, is a sign of passion and commitment, connected with a high quality material, made not only to make you happy with its utility, but also with its beauty. Please enjoy your shopping, and we stay at your service at all times. Polish Custom Knives Team

First Post


At Firstpost, we focus on facts, keep the noise out and bring you stories from across the globe, viewing them through the Indian lens We break down stories, we explain, and we give you the context you need. The analysis is informed and engaging and most importantly, it gives you the truth, upgrades you and makes you world ready. Our stories are insightful and perceptive; they help you understand what’s happening around the world. Our narratives are immersive; our opinions only provoke you to think more. Through our flagship show Vantage - we cover the biggest news stories from a 360-degree perspective, giving viewers a chance to assess the impact of world events through a uniquely Indian lens. By breaking stereotypes, Vantage aims to challenge conventional wisdom and present an alternative view on global affairs, defying the norm and opening the door to new perspectives. Vantage airs Monday to Friday at 9 PM IST on Firstpost across all leading platforms. ​

Pool of aquarius - meditation portal


Hello everone, I am a music producer,dj and sound devolper from Belgium. what if talking to yourself is talking to your spiritual guide depending on your energy and toughts you create your perception find your right spiritual guide and you are free from chaos and fear so you can go trough life with a healty conversation to yourself Meditation channel for self healing and self awareness On my channel (resonance productions) you find my productions of cinematic and Ambient music https://rumble.com/c/c-5580393 On my channel (Ebgb 369) you find my productions of tech house https://rumble.com/c/c-5084020 On channel (Ebgb 369) you find a collection of tech house https://rumble.com/c/c-5084020