Stop Political correctness,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by malcolmbelfast


For many more videos go to "Browse" AND "Search" "malcolmbelfast" Other great Channels, "Make Woke Go Broke", "The 2020 Election was Stolen" "Questions for Michelle Obama", also at, and For up to date news, Subscribe to the new Kuhner Report channel on YouTube to continue listening to Jeff Kuhner every

Political Lens


#NonPartisan Political Candidate Interviews. The Political Lens is a FREE nonpartisan Podcast to political candidates to provide platform to reach potential voters. Disclaimer: Political Lens Podcast Welcome to the Political Lens podcast, a platform dedicated to interviewing political candidates running for office. Our aim is to provide a space where candidates can share their values, beliefs, reasons for running, opinions, and knowledge on current events. Please note the following: Non-Partisan Nature: Political Lens is a non-partisan organization. We do not endorse, support, or oppose any candidate, political party, or policy. Our mission is to facilitate informed discussions and provide our listeners with diverse perspectives. Guest Opinions: The views and opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Political Lens, its hosts, or its affiliates. We provide a platform for open dialogue and do not influence the content shared by our guests. Accuracy and Responsibility: While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, Political Lens cannot guarantee the completeness or reliability of the content shared during the interviews. Listeners are encouraged to conduct their own research and form their own opinions. Respectful Discourse: We promote respectful and constructive conversations. Any offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate comments made by guests or listeners will not be tolerated and may be subject to moderation or removal. Thank you for tuning into the Political Lens podcast. We appreciate your support and engagement in these important conversations.

Groundedtv Political Shorts Verified


Welcome to Groundedtv Political Shorts! Our Groundedtv Podcast, (Coming soon!), team brings you the best dunks, mic drops, and all the action in #politics and #cdnpoli. From Donald Trump to Justin Trudeau, we highlight their most awkward moments and original quotes. Stay tuned for all the chaos and excitement in political arenas, captured just for you! 🔔 #subscribe for more #politicalshorts 👍 Like our videos if you find them Funny and original! 💬 Comment below with your thoughts and reactions! We want to hear from you!

Howard Koolman getting Political


Howard lives in Cornwall, England. A strong believer in Community, Freedom, Sovereignty - and that the Heart of Humanity blossoms when Humanity is free, and not being controlled, restricted and drained by endless laws, rules and TAXes. I also believe that humanity is at turning point in history, the old corrupt guard are rushing thru their plan to limit everyone's freedoms, while a more powerful group of leaders have entrapped them so the global corrupt Deep State will be exposed and can then be removed. However I do think this operation will likely take until 2030 to execute, the trickle down effect will take many years after that.