🔴 ISABEL CUERVO-PERIODISTA INVESTIGATIVA, PREMIO EMMY 2015 EN LA CATEGORIA DE PREOCUPACION SOCIAL. 🔴 ISABEL CUERVO es la periodista que se atrevió a desafiar al magnate financiero George Soros, cuando en 2018 sacó al aire su famoso reportaje investigativo "George Soros y su incidencia en Latinoamérica"; cinco meses después fue calificada de antisemita por el potentado millonario, quien exigió respuestas del medio de noticias USAGM. Isabel Cuervo terminó siendo censurada, amordazada, acosada y despedida, por la misma cadena de TV del gobierno de los EE.UU. para la que trabajaba (USAGM-TV Martí), quien también la sometió a investigación federal. Ahora Isabel ha comenzado a revelar todos los nombres, instituciones e intereses ocultos conectados con Soros, tras su caso de evidente censura a la libre expresión y a la libertad de prensa, en el país de las libertades civiles.



Canal voltado ao "DESPERTAR" da consciência humana! Postando conteúdo que não são vistos corriqueiramente nas atuais mídias, seja por desinteresse, censura, manipulação ou objetivos escusos! De forma alguma, queremos promover como donos da verdade. Apenas queremos que tirem suas próprias conclusões, usando a razoabilidade, racionalidade, lógica, intuição ou bom senso. Ressoando com você, divulgue compartilhando esse canal que poderá salvar muitas vidas! Gratidão

Ancient Mother Wisdom! You are Perfect! Verified


Kimberly “KC” Crail, MBA, CPA is a Wise Woman, herbalist & educator who came from Wall Street to the Weeds. After working her way to the top of the global finance world, it all came crashing down in 2008. Her world view was turned upside down. Experience is a wonderful teacher. She was blessed to train with Susun S. Weed, completing a Shamanic Herbal Apprenticeship in 2008, with continuing study at the Wise Woman Center through 2018 when she moved to Florida from Long Island, New York. KC began teaching in 2012 after the miraculous recovery of her friend from “terminal” stage 4 cancer. Diagnosed in 2009, this friend underwent chemotherapy, and 32 radiation treatments, and credits her recovery with the healing and nourishing herbal remedies & foods. She is still with us today! KC also works as a wholesale mortgage broker serving 49 states, in her spare time she walks barefoot in her yard, tends to her flowering plants, enjoys sunsets on the gulf beaches, making herbal medicine in her kitchen, and meeting new “green allies” in the southern environment. KC’s mission is to teach folks how to heal themselves using whole plants and foods as medicine. Nourishment is the key that unlocks health. Spirit, Mind, Body. Healing from the inside out. The Beauty Way of the Seven Medicines. You can heal yourself with simple and inexpensive methods, foods and herbs. ********* The Wise Woman tradition is based on Ancient Mother Wisdom, where healing tools are as simple as a cup of hot tea, a soft touch on the cheek, or a hug. The Wise Woman tradition is not a set of recipes and lists of plant characteristics. The Wise Woman tradition uses intuition, plants, foods, herbs, animals, simple ritual, physical activities, lifestyle change and love on the healing journey. We are all unique and only you can know what you need in your own healing and journey to embrace your wholeness. So the first step is to "Do Nothing" and connect with your "Wise Healer Within" to guide you on your path. Spirit. The Wise Woman tradition connects us with the healing energy of the plants and the animals, the stones and the ALL that surrounds us. The Wise Woman tradition connects us to all the love that is within us - Source/Creator/Wise Healer Within. The Beauty Way of the Seven Medicines. We talk with the plants, sing with the trees, ride the energies of the stones and learn important lessons from animals. Join us!



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