Liquid Crystal Healing


The Liquid Crystals are vibrational healing remedies that comprise The Earth\\\'s Evolutionary Mineral Therapy. They are change facilitators that help us at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of Life.
Humans need Minerals to Ascend, Build & Sustain Life because minerals not only supply the building blocks of physical life, they also provide the structure for the Light of Consciousness and the Soul to anchor into Physicality.
 This is a natural system of Earth Medicine that\\\'s been remembered for the Modern World from Ancient Times by Justin Moikeha Asar.

 The Gifts of The Earth\\\'s 77 Foundational Minerals & Crystals await Embrace in your Body made of Earth, Fire, Water, Air & Spirit, to activate your Wisdom for your unique pathway of Healing, Evolution and Divine Purpose.

 There are also 33 Star Child Liquid Crystal Remedies, 46 Liquid Trees for Healing Relationships, Shadow Chaser Series with Shadow Guardians, for safe shadow work & 13 Crystal Skulls.

Frequenzen für Deine Gesundheit


Ganzheitliche Gesundheit, Frequenz, Fotografie, Video Mut, Liebe, Bewusstsein, Eigenerfahrung, Menschlichkeitsentwicklung, Eigenverantwortung, Testimonials, Passives Einkommen Du willst mehr über Frequenz Anwendung, Healy und Mikrostrom erfahren? Klicke auf folgende Links und schreib mir eine Nachricht. 💫 HEALY Frequenz Anwendung Telegram: h WhatsApp: Website: Shop: Facebook Instagram YouTube 👉 Silberwasser Kanal ( Kolloidales Silber ) Kolloidales Silizium, Germanium, Gold, Magnesium, Silber, Zink und Cobalt (Vit B12) Telegram: Instagram Facebook 👉 DOCTOR RAW Your ultimate Healthstore 👉 UrQuelle Diamant | Wasserfilter

AMS ARQUITETO E URBANISTA - Concepção, Planejamento, Execução e Finalização


Projeto, construção, reforma e manutenção Bom dia, A AMS conta com equipe própria de qualidade para projeto, construção, reforma e manutenção. Peça já o sua proposta para execução de seu(s) empreendimento(s). Contamos com preços competitivos! Estamos a disposição e um ótimo dia para todos! Cordialmente, Adriano Sasse AMS ARQUITETO E URBANISTA Concepção, Planejamento, Execução e Finalização (21) 3584-2817 (21) 99370-8127 segunda a sexta

Echoes of Antiquity


Welcome to our channel, 'Echoes of Antiquity', where we delve deep into the timeless wisdom of ancient philosophers and civilizations. Journey with us as we navigate through profound quotes, philosophies, and teachings from eras gone by, illuminating how they can guide our lives today. From the thought-provoking dialogues of Socrates to the profound teachings of Confucius, and the enlightening Vedas to the mystic Egyptian scriptures, we explore it all. Our mission? To inspire, educate, and help you apply this age-old wisdom to modern-day living, fostering personal growth, intellectual enlightenment, and a deeper understanding of life. Join us, as we journey back in time to bring the ancient wisdom to your doorstep.