Chosen Generation Radio: Where No Topic Is Off Limits and Everything Filtered Through Biblical Glasses Verified


Pastor Greg Interviews and discusses the issues of today through a biblical constitutional worldview. America was founded as a Christian Nation and Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness come from God. What God has given man can not steal away. In order to defend these rights government was instituted. Not to take them away but to defend rights, given by God.

Direita no Brasil [Oficial]


eja bem-vindo(a) ao nosso canal de notícias sobre política e conservadorismo no Brasil! Aqui você encontrará análises, opiniões e cobertura dos principais eventos e acontecimentos políticos no país, sempre com uma abordagem conservadora e comprometida com os valores tradicionais. Nossa equipe de jornalistas e analistas políticos está constantemente acompanhando as notícias e trazendo informações atualizadas sobre temas como economia, relações internacionais, segurança pública, educação, cultura e muito mais. Além disso, também promovemos debates e entrevistas com personalidades importantes do cenário político e intelectual brasileiro, buscando sempre oferecer uma visão plural e informada sobre os assuntos em pauta. Se você busca uma fonte confiável de informação e análise política, aliada a uma visão conservadora e comprometida com os valores da família, da liberdade e da democracia, este é o lugar certo. Inscreva-se em nosso canal e não perca nenhuma atualização. Mário Robert

Information & Entertainment. No Fluff


What's up guys, I am known as Maker. I'm a long-time content creator with a passion for educating and entertaining. This channel will be dedicated to creating long-form infotainment videos about various topics in media, philosophy, psychology, games, and more in the form of iceberg charts and other narratives. You can expect a few new videos every week filled to the brim with informative and entertaining content. This gives me a reason to feed my thirst for knowledge and an outlet to share what I've learned. I won't be spending a lot of time telling awkward jokes or plugging my social medias. I know you're here for the content and that's what I will be providing you with! Eventually I will start other channels with a more personal approach but for now, subscribe and join us in our journey of enlightenment. Cheers!

Marc Bosserman


Marc Bosserman is a pianist, vocalist, composer, music producer. He performs often (10-20 times a week) int he Tampa Bay Area. He's been singing since he was 3 and playing the piano since he was 7. He performs songs that people love. He also has been producing music since 2007. His music has helped singers and songwriter reach more people and has been on Network and Independent TV and films. His goal is to make people happy. f fantastic songs! : ) And a big goal of making people REALLY happy whatever the gig. He also writes and produces - his own songs and songs for other singers and songwriters. Simple- Piano tracks or Vocals. Or even Help with Songwriting, Full Productions. Very capable pianist and vocalist. In a pop- jazz- soul- folk tradition. Covers of amazing songs and always his own stamp. He knows tons of Classic Rock. Emphasis on fun and cool. His original music tends to be Piano Driven, Singer-Songwriter Folk-pop!



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No wonder Aliens just drive by


Agent Smith: I'd like to share a revelation during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure. The Matrix.