FDU Wealth Management Advisory Club


Hello and Welcome to the FDU Wealth Management Advisory Club. Wealth Management Advisory Club aims to provide a space where students can develop an understanding of Wealth Management, learn the importance of setting goals to achieve financial success, enable students to discover their career passions, and create a sense of community for those interested in Wealth Management Advisory. This club is open to not just all FDU Silberman Business Majors, but all majors at FDU are invited to come and join the club. We meet every Thursday at 5 PM in Mansion Room 12 on the Florham Campus and on Zoom for the Metro Campus. You can also watch our meetings LIVE on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, Rumble, & GETTR.

manai tautai


Šis ir ziņu kanāls cilvēkiem, kas meklē atbildes tālāk par informāciju, kas mūsdienās tiek pirkta un pārdota. Cilvēcei pieejamai patiesībai nedrīkst būt nekāda saistība ar naudas varu un korupciju. Mums ir jāzina patiesība, mums jāsaņem atbildes, tās ir jāmeklē, kā meklējam svaigu gaisu un brīvību. Šīs ir ziņas brīviem un labas sirdsapziņas cilvēkiem, mums, kas meklē patiesību un atmasko melus. Lai kāda būtu patiesība, to nedrīkst ignorēt! Kas mīl patiesību, mīl dzīvību un gudrību; tādi mīl cilvēcību, cilvēci un tās Radītāju. Patiesība dara brīvus... Это канал новостей для людей, которые ищут ответы на много дальше той информации, которая в наши дни покупается и продоется. Правде и истине доступной человечеству недолжно быть никакой связи с денежной властью и корупцией. Мы должны знать истину, мы должны получить ответы - ответы надо искать, как ищем свежий воздух и свободу(...) Kanāla darbības atbalsts(поддержка работы канала): https://www.donationalerts.com/r/pirmaispedejais

Sherman Academy


Sherman Academy is a offers a variety of lessons, tutorials, and educational programs to help individuals improve their skills and knowledge in various fields. Our courses are designed to be accessible, flexible, and are taught by experienced instructors who are experts in their respective fields. Some of the fields taught by Sherman Academy include business, technology, language, and applications, among others. Their aim is to provide high-quality education that enables individuals to achieve their personal and professional goals. Education is a journey of discovery.

Detroit Threat Management Center


We are a private corporation that specializes in non-violent methods of managing threats. Detroit Threat Management Center provides education and facilitation services for individuals, corporations, communities, civilians and police. Our tactics and strategies will enable participants to deter violence through body language projection, de-escalation and positive inspirational communication. Participants will learn how to properly read body language in order to distinguish real threats from false threats. This will enable participants to preemptively detect violent intentions of people prior to an aggressor’s actions. This will enable participants with the ability to avoid taking inappropriate actions related to false positives. Psychology, law and skills are incorporated in our training so participants are able to manage all levels of interactions, and create a non-adversarial interactions, and create non-violent outcomes.