The Poo Flinger Show Verified


The Poo Flinger Show is the production of one man’s mind and all that it contains. The opinions and statements of this show do not reflect those of any entity other than the Poo Flinger Show, blah, yadda blah blah. Watch at your discretion and remember, you can look elsewhere for your entertainment at any time. This is not a show for children. ALL People are welcome in the Poo Flinger Show, regardless of race, color, creed, political affiliation, tribal association, place of birth, or planet of origin. We here at the show ask only that you keep any interactions civil and polite. The Poo Flinger Show is a private endeavor funded entirely by your viewership, kinda like PBS but without all the propaganda and government funding. Your support helps the show grow and go places, so please support to any degree that you are able; donate, share the videos, hit the like, leave a comment, tell your cats, and help me fling the poo. Thank you. Watch the Poo Flinger Show on these platforms: Support the show and get additional content at Patreon. (Not for those that are easily offended) Buy the show some weed! Check out these two also! Tiktok @thepooflingershow Twitter/X @PooFlingerShow I mirror content here on bitchute Join my Locals Community! Poo on Reddit! Here’s GAB For business and collaboration inquiries contact: Send us cool stuff! The Poo Flinger Show P.O. Box 1661 Wheat Ridge, CO 80034

The Front Line with Joe and Joe


The Frontline with Joe and Joe is a fearless cultural commentary born from America\'s kitchen table. From the perspective of the everyday man, the Frontline tackles a broad array of topics, which transcends plain vanilla “politics as usual”. Not afraid to take sides while making for strange bedfellows, the conversation between two “Average Joes” is everything but average. Providing both intellectual stimulation and a gut punch, the dialogue leaves its mark. Across the Barrios of the Bronx to the Cornfields of the Heartland, the Frontline with Joe and Joe reaches into the soul of America and extends a hand to all.



Welcome to Howling Echoes Homestead, we are Jim and Jodi, and along with our dogs and cats, we moved from central Minnesota up to Northern Minnesota in December of 2020. We live on 130 acres surrounded by state forest to our East and West and the Superior National Forest to our North. We are building our off-grid homestead and creating a new adventure for us doing everything we can ourselves and setting ourselves up to be as self-sufficient as possible. We hope you enjoy sharing in this experience with us, and please follow our channel and share with those who might like watching our adventure. Thank you.