La Pilule Rouge


Le monde est en train de changer, qu'on le veuille ou non! La question est... de quel côté? Le Mal, le Bien? Je lance cette chaîne de Réveil, pour apporter ma propre vision des choses, sans prétention, sans autres buts que d'informer. Je laisse les commentaires ouverts tant que ceux ci ne sont pas déplacés ou haineux :-) Si après cette première vidéo, les retours sont positifs et qu'il y a une demande, alors je m'activerai à en réaliser d'autres :-) KIT ENERGETIQUE 👉 MON BLOG 👉 ⚠️ Je ne monétise pas ma chaîne. Si vous souhaitez soutenir mon travail (qui me prend un temps de dingue), vous pouvez le faire sur ce lien toute aide est la bienvenue, 2€, 5€ c'est comme vous voulez 😉 merci à vous

Lars Enarson


Lars Enarson, a native of Sweden, has been an author and Bible teacher with a prophetic voice since the 1970’s. Lars is the founder and president of the Watchman International (, a ministry dedicated to “prepare the way for the Lord.” He is based in Israel, teaching and mobilizing prayer for Israel by way of Seminars, books, and TV-programs. Ariel Media is a unique, indie publishing house with Scripture-based media about prayer, Israel, and Jewish-roots ( Ariel Media is a publishing ministry of the Watchman International. In 2018, Lars started the prayer movement for Nordic countries that is now Norden 7:14 ( #Sweden714 #Norden714

Exploring Artifacts and Anomalies on Mars


Many people think they see things in the Mars Rover Images. Some anomalies retain some of their mystery but defy irrefutable proof. Everyone wants to know the history of Mars, and everyone wants to see what is actually there now. This channel will share astounding anomalies that will inflame your curiosity and amuse your sensibilities. Nothing is more important to the survival of the human species than space exploration and technology. We hope you enjoy speculating about these anomalies and that it inspires you to support your countries space programs. Galactic Sleuth has not visited Mars and makes no guarantees of any kind regarding the identity of any anomalies presented. Our only claim is that these are official photos and the anomalies have not been artificially inserted.