Welcome to Curly-Haired Country Gal!


A very warm welcome to you! I’m Elizabeth, the Curly-Haired Country Gal, and I’m here to encourage, educate, and inspire current and aspiring homesteaders. My passion is to produce the highest quality meat / produce possible for the lowest cost possible. Here you’ll see my successes, failures, and product reviews as I: - Plan a homestead - Build infrastructure - Grow high-quality food - Raise high quality meat - Look for low-cost solutions - Care for health - emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually - Forage Our family, located in southeast Missouri, consists of my awesome husband and our 4 wonderful, stair-step children. You can support us by subscribing to this channel, liking/sharing the videos, or through our GoFundMe page below. I love my job teaching Spanish online (linked below), and I’m excited to share my experiences with something I love just as much: homesteading. https://gofund.me/dce14bfd

Gang stalking Mind control Beast system End Times


Gang stalking - Electronic harassment - V2K - Electromagnetic weapons - Sonic weapons - Spiritual warfare - Gaslighting - PSYOPS - Street theatre - Weaponised psychiatry - Whistleblowers - Pedogate - Silencing the victims. Materials in PL and EN. Wstęp do tematyki zorganizowanego nękania [ang. gang stalking, electronic harassment] przez dużą grupę oprawców, z zastosowaniem najnowszych technologii oraz internetu, włamań do telefonów, komputerów oraz z wykorzystaniem portali społecznościowych, funkcji algorytmów "sztucznej inteligencji" [ang. Artificial Intelligence], obsługujących całą sieć. W momencie, w którym osoba zostaje wprowadzona do systemu, przez jakiegokolwiek psychopatę, który dysponuje tego typu technologiami lub zna innych, zajmujących się nękaniem, zostaje uruchomiony system osaczania ofiary w całej przestrzeni internetowej - konta bankowe, poczty e-mail, portale społecznościowe, wyświetlanie odpowiednich reklam w sieci. Dochodzi do tego również nękanie bezpośrednie przez dużą grupę zatrudnionych do tego "aktorów" i informatorów.

The Rideshare Guy Verified


Make money driving for Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, Instacart, Postmates, Uber Eats and more! See how much money you can earn driving for Uber in YOUR city: https://therideshareguy.com/go/uberaccel Welcome to The RideShare Guy on YouTube! Discover new FREE advice for increasing your pay: • driving for Uber • driving for Lyft • delivering food with DoorDash, Postmates, Uber Eats • Instacart shopping TheRideshareGuy.com is the most influential site about Uber and Lyft! We’ve interviewed Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, Lyft COO Jon McNeill, and many other important leaders. The RideShare Guy has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, CNBC, and more. Learn to boost • Uber driver pay • Lyft driver pay • DoorDash driver pay, Postmates driver pay, Instacart shopper pay, Uber Eats driver pay Thanks for watching! SUBSCRIBE for Uber tips! Cheers, Harry Campbell Media requests: harry@therideshareguy.com

The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins Verified


The Poetry of Reality is hosted by world renowned evolutionary biologist and best-selling author, Professor Richard Dawkins. He has been celebrated globally for his honest critique of religion and tradition and his push for critical thinking. His books include The Selfish Gene, Climbing Mount Improbable, The God Delusion and Outgrowing God: A Beginner’s Guide. Dawkins has long been known for his uncompromising passion for science, calling out for the pressing need in modern societies for scientific literacy and rational thinking, especially in the education of young minds. His relentless pursuit of truth, and his recognition of the beauty of life on earth, will feature in this podcast, as he charts his way through scientific and existential inquiries like ‘What are we doing here?’ and ‘When did life begin?’

CF Girl Shares Art & Truth


Hello! Join me on an adventure in talking about art, cystic fibrosis related subjects and truth of reality and morality. I will explore topics that I think will benefit anyone and everyone in the CF community and maybe even a few others along the way. If you would like to contact me, find other ways to follow and keep up with my activities or just to donate you can do this at the link below: https://linktr.ee/saracrossart I would love to meet you all and hear all your suggestions, comments and other random thoughts. Contact saracrossart@gmail.com