AMETHYST Fay Franklin


model AMETHYST Fay Franklin is an example of what can be achieved when hard work and dedication come together. She is a successful model, entrepreneur, and advocate for social justice. Fay is an inspiration to many, and a reminder to never give up on your dreams. Fay embodies the idea that anything is possible if you put in the effort. She is a role model for many because she has worked hard and achieved success through her own grit and determination. Her story is also a reminder to never give up and to keep pushing forward no matter what.

The Franklin Project


The Franklin Project was founded to help restore the Constitutional Republic that Ben Franklin and other founders left us. We’ve made a real mess out of our Country by thinking politics is a dirty game, so let’s stay out of it. Well, we quickly see the last people in the world we want to have power over us, took it. The Franklin Project is dedicated to finding and supporting Constitutional candidates that will help to restore our great Constitutional Republic. It is also founded to expose the leaders who are helping to destroy our great Country. Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom – and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech. Benjamin Franklin