

A gaming channel that celebrates fun and gives thanks to God Almighty for our blessings! We embrace gaming as a cultural art form that is used to express human emotions and stories - similar to literature, music, and motion pictures. In this place we encourage enjoying gaming without the stigma for believers in Jesus Christ - and we welcome anyone to play and have fun with us! All are welcome. If you have questions about faith or want to know more about Jesus, just ask. We are always happy to have a gospel conversation! Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks. For we know it is made acceptable by the word of God and prayer. 1 Timothy 4:4-5

Welcome Fellow Strangers!


Strangers Mindz is an idea created through life and experiences. We strive to show people all over the world that we as strangers to each other have more in common than you realize. This negativity that's going around with everyone hating each other over pointless reasons are hindering themselves to be able to learn and gain experience. We all have something worth to share and if not, conversation is worth the try. We are creating content to share with all of our fellow strangers around the world. Follow us on social media including YouTube and Rumble. Hope you all enjoy!