Just Who is Joshua Reid Jones


You are forgiven for having no idea who Josh Reid Jones is, despite styling himself as a socially-progressive Anthony Robbins style self help guru, his 65 YouTube subscribers and handful of Facebook friends and purchased Instagram buddies suggests no one really listens to his narcissistic ideologically trendy left ramblings and dribble. See Josh came to my attention after I watched one of his home videos. I found his approach to be very nasty, I had hairs on the back of my neck stand up as he powder coated a personal attack with passive aggressive nastiness. When I watched and rewatched it, the overtone was clearly sexist. I then discover that the misogynistic video was attacking a former female business partner, I decided to do some checking on Josh, and like all bullies, his cupboard is full of baggage, so what's good for women will be good for Josh. We need to take a stand against sexism and cyber bullies, its 2021 for fuck sake not 1921. www.justwhoisjoshjones.com.au

Real Estate Agent Tips with Josh


I regret not joining eXp Realty back in 2015 when I had my guard up and wasn't receptive to others' opinions. Despite being content with my then-current situation, I have now made the switch and created this channel to assist individuals who were once in my position, encouraging them not to wait as long as I did. Furthermore, I aim to aid new agents, seasoned agents, Team Leaders, and Broker Owners in their Real Estate endeavors. Should you have any inquiries regarding Real Estate Sales OR eXp Realty, I am at your disposal to address them directly. If I am unable to do so, I possess the necessary connections to provide you with the information you seek. Please don't hesitate to contact me via my personal phone number at 405-315-7965, and let's work together to ensure your success. Josh Barnett Lic# 153483 with eXp Realty - Office Number: 888-560-3964 ext. 474 🧰 Ready for a new Brokerage and Everything eXp Realty Offers 🧰 https://joshbarnett.exprealty.careers/

MhikeROck Channel


Hello, here you will find tips, tricks, news, funny videos, and other awesome enjoyable videos on my YouTube and Rumble channel. If this sounds like something that could help you, then subscribe to the channel now! I'm also the owner of the https://rumble.com/c/c-1672785 channel where you can also watch a lot of awesome enjoyable videos. Let's be friends and don't forget to hit the subscribe button to become part of this growing family. Thanks for watching, welcome to MhikeROck Channel