MindSet Code Ph


Welcome to MindSet Code Ph The History channel that will blow your mind. Our mission is to make learning history exciting for all age groups. Ancient Aliens explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, from early cave drawings to continued mass sightings in the US, each episode in this hit HISTORY series gives historic depth to the questions, speculations, provocative controversies, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding this age-old debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago? If you have any ideas for videos please feel free to email us or drop a comment on one of the videos! Subscribe or you will become a part of History 😃 To God be the Glory #MindsetCodePH #Mindsetcode #AncientHistory #AncientAlien #AncientAlienTheories #HistoryChannel #History #AncientMystery #Alien #UFO #Extraterrestrial #ET



History & Conspiracy We take no position on any of the topics discussed in these videos, we provide them for your consumption, so you can critically think and decide for yourself what you believe. Please let us know in comments what subject matter you would like to see in our future content uploads. Thank you for viewing and daring to explore the many world mysteries with us. Channels: HaloRock™ (Daily - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly) - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/I6p2VASsk6ZZ/ HaloRockCodex (History & Conspiracy) - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/wCvj3HafstNW/ HaloRockDocs - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/cWZ4oan4Jzcq/ New in 2024 - HaloRock+ (Entertainment) - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/5AzdDJ28pWLz/ Our Playlists: Documentary - https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/cm4XGv965HDw/ Conspiracy Docs & Videos - https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/Kb4akl3Syxvw/ ILLUMINATI - https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/zUJFSQpSn6MM/ Old World - https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/j0r8fwcKPuS0/ NEW Rumble Channels: HALOROCK™ - https://rumble.com/c/HaloRock HaloRockDocs - https://rumble.com/c/HaloRockDocs HaloRockCodex - https://rumble.com/c/HaloRockCodex HaloRockPlus - https://rumble.com/c/c-5582514 HaloRock is our answer to internet censorship. Coming in 2024, the HaloRock App and website will be an information hub featuring a search engine that will avoid google censorship & delisting of websites they don’t like, unbiased and uncensored daily news, documentaries, entertainment, conspiracy research links, downloadable PDF library, and free meme library, organized in an easy to explore database. We look forward to delivering this completely new approach to assisting the awake and awakening in today's world of heavy censorship.

Cold War Radio


Cold War Radio is an effort to ensure this period in our history is not forgotten or rewritten. The show provides analysis of current events as well as reflections into the post WWII decades. Your Host Hutch Bailie Jr. mans the Northeast Command deep down in the Bunker, Dr Ward Miller is in on Monday and Wednesday, Friday it's Week In Review with Jack from Northern Virginia. Rocky has your back in the chatroom. Support the show if you can at http://www.patreon.com/cwr you can cancel at anytime. Don't believe the Left, it's not over. Mon - Wed - Fri 8:00 PM EST

Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Culture


Welcome to ColdFusion, a channel dedicated to exploring the intersection of technology and culture. Join us on a journey of discovery as we delve into the latest technological advancements and their impact on society, history, and the future. From the evolution of the internet to the latest breakthroughs in AI, blockchain, and beyond, we bring you thought-provoking insights and engaging stories that will expand your mind and spark your curiosity. Subscribe now and join the ColdFusion community!

Discovering the Jewish Jesus


Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider imparts revelation of Jesus' Jewish heritage and His fulfillment of messianic prophecy. Questions of how the Old and New Testaments tie together, and how Yeshua completes the unfolding plan of God, are answered with exceptional clarity. Through understanding the Old Testament and its prophetic nature (with Yeshua as its fulfillment) your faith is strengthened, increased relationship and intimacy with the LORD is discovered, and an end-times vision of life is crystallized. This is an end-times ministry, strengthening the church and calling her to be a readied bride for the return of the Bridegroom, Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah) Visit our website at DiscoveringTheJewishJesus.com or email us at info@discoveringthejewishjesus.com

Rediscovery Channel


Welcome to the Rediscovery Channel where three armchair historians set out on a quest to (re)discover history. Each week one of us tells the other a story from history that the other may or may not have heard off. Why? Because history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes. And in order to understand where we're going, it is imperative to know where we came from. And since history is written by the victors, all the more reason to have a closer look at the forgotten, the curious, and the neglected stories. About the contributors: -Stilger is a polyglot who enjoys learning new languages and has always had an interest in history. At present, Stilgar is fluent in Dutch, English, German, but with more languages in progress. -Ivor Kovac was educated in history, and has a natural longstanding interest in history and mythology, with a focus on how culture affects history and vice versa. -Great Pharoah serves as a deacon in his church, which involves leading worship in both English and Coptic. He teaches classes, as well as worship, and knows a good deal of early church history.

🚨 EBS - La Nuova Norimberga - COVID19 - Adrenocromo - DeepState -


VERITÀ SOPPRESSA ALL'UMANITÀ. Divulgazioni Delle Operazioni AntiMafia. LETTI MEDICI - OLOGRAFICI 🏥 https://rumble.com/c/c-3284102 Federazione Galattica https://rumble.com/c/FederazioneGalattica LA LUCE HA VINTO ! Se i dadi sono stati truccati in America , automaticamente sono stati truccati in Europa e in Italia! In questi 4 anni abbiamo vissuto l'ultimo colpo di coda dI satana ma la verità e' da tutte le parti ugualmente. Facebook per esempio ha bloccato molti post è rimosso agenti della luce , youtube ha fatto lo stesso la TV e' controllata dai satanisti demONcratici Canali interi di informazioni utili per la salute sono stati rimossi. Siamo stati controllati nelle informazioni. E stata una guerra bypassare il sistema con le trasmissioni video modificati per raggirare l intelligenza artificiale che cerca e trova i post (video) compromettenti per i serpenti e mangiatori di adrenocromo. Ora le cose sono diverse ed esistono piattaforme di 5D OVE IL MALE NON E PERMESSO FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE E IL MOTORE DI RICERCA GOOGLE VIOLANO I DIRITTI UMANI. Per esperienza personale hanno bloccato 2 canali 14000 iscritti su youtube in 3 mesi , più di 2000 video rimossi quasi 3.000.000 di visualizzazioni conteggiate. Eppure andavano bene i canali la gente era contenta di ciò che condividevo, sono stato silenziato , i miei commenti non sempre apparivano , quando parlavo un po di più, spiegavo ,prendevo contatto con il pubblico, mi bloccavano un video, con impossibilita di pubblicare per una settimana , o per due settimane. .---..,,,.òà.,.. Si molta luce e passata e ha raggiunto molte persone, per Dio è stato grande il lavoro di coscienza che stiamo ancora adesso sperimentando , infatti tutto ciò che abbiamo inviato , sta ritornando indietro anche se i canali non ci sono più , Il più grande è stato fatto , non è stato inutile , non voglio che lo pensa nessuno , anzi per me è stato un onore aver aiutato , ci sono molti altri fratelli e sorelle che sono in quella piattaforma e colgo l occasione per salutarli ammiro il loro lavoro, ma io sento che la gente deve sapere a fondo tutto e non mezze verità, e una battaglia persa nel loro campo ove NON E AMMESSO TUTTO IL BENE E AMORE INCONDIZIONATO. SI , posso postare messaggi di speranza , di saggezza , ma non posso dire apertamente di stare lontani dai buchi le maschere e le tamBonazioni, non posso neanche dire che potete rimuovere completamente gli effetti indesiderati che hanno provato ad installare!! Devo parlare saggiamente con i codici di luce altrimenti il sistema blocca ....... Su rumble questo problema non c'e , ho caricato in primis i video più CALDI E ARDENTI ed e' filato tutto giusto , ho tutto il materiale necessario per far comprendere quanto e' profonda la tana del bian coniglio Q questo mi rende contento e realizzato nell'anima!!! Facebook youtube e il digitale terrestre sono coloro che denunciamo, i partecipanti di queste piattaforme non possono inviare e ricevere la completa verità possiamo parlare di amore compassione , ma se tocchiamo argomento punture e vietato ? E vietato perché svela il FONDO DELLA TANA DEL BIAN CONIGLIO! Quindi per vedere tutto il bagliore della luce e necessario comprendere che si trova fuori dal mondo , fuori da questi social E stata costruita nel vero senso della parola una nuova griglia magnetica 5D. Questa griglia ove sto scrivendo e' il ponte (4D) verso la 5D Coloro che sono in 3D hanno l opportunità di ascendere a una dimensione superiore una visione superiore https://rumble.com/c/COVID19VERITAS La luce ha vinto!! LA LUCE E' PRESA DI COSCIENZA LA LUCE E' INFORMAZIONE LA LUCE E' CONCENTRATO CALMO AMOREVOLE LA LUCE E' PACE TRANQUILLITÀ VERITÀ LA LUCE E' NON UCCIDERE E NON MANGIARE CARNE E PESCI LA LUCE E' FAI DEL BENE , SOLO BENE PER TE PER ME PER TUTTI

Hebrew Codesearching


We are a collaborating group of Biblical and Paleo Hebrew Students seeking the Truth in Yahuah’s scriptures, studying together to bring a fresh understanding and a new perspective on the otherwise “lost in translation” Scriptures that we all hold dear. In both the Old and New Testaments, a computer-generated matrix ties encoded terms within the plain text verses displayed. With each matrix the computer generates, the image through the Word has a new filter, a new perspective. We recommend to enroll in this course of basic instruction in learning the language and developing the understanding to sit with the Father and be guided by the Ruach HaQodesh (Holy Spirit) in a series of Modules written over the last decade. This journey is unlike anything else around. https://12tribesibriy.org. Here, we have developed Mishpocha, a family that prays, studies and fellowships together. The Names of the Father and His Son are paramount to this and are a major foundation of this Ministry.

Health & Wellness Show On The Relentless Search f=For Truth


Our message is a message of hope and healing. And our mission is to bring you on a journey to Discovering True Health. Our goal is to provide cutting edge health information through research and interviews with experts. We will also discuss personal journeys of many individuals and groups as each and every one of our bodies are unique and different and not everyone responds and reacts the same to treatments, medicine, holistic supplements, and even foods. Nothing is a one size fits all. This will be a journey of discovery for us all to help each of you not only find wellness but to thrive.