"Putting YOU in Control of Your Medical Decisions"


Our First President, George Washington, said, “Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light.” Life, Liberty, and Wellness hosts Bev and Daria are on a mission to speak the truth in an age of deceit. Outraged by COVID-19 tyranny, the longtime friends, health enthusiasts, and liberty-loving Americans decided they could no longer remain silent while worldwide governments (including their own), Big Media, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Hospitals, and Big Insurance wielded fear like a weapon to terrify the masses into distrusting each other, submitting to non-scientific mask mandates, and subjecting themselves to a dangerous, experimental gene therapy falsely promoted as a vaccine. Through Life, Liberty, and Wellness, Bev and Daria will speak the truth…and live with the consequences. We cherish our relationships, and we understand the power of universal deceit - as do the control freaks pushing their nefarious agenda on the world. If we lose friendships because of our willingness to speak out, it’s a risk worth taking for the sake of medical freedom and the God-given liberties bestowed upon all human beings made in the image and likeness of God.

Les contrôleurs sataniques


La grande majorité des gens pensent que nous sommes dans une démocratie où les peuples peuvent élire leur chef d’état. Ce n’est pas le cas, la démocratie est un jeu biaisé et inventé par ceux qui tirent les ficelles du pouvoir. La famille Rothschild est l’une de ces puissances financières qui propagent l’apocalypse sur terre. Les vidéos de cette chaîne vous montreront l’envers du décor, elle vous fera toucher du doigt la matrice. En fait, il est très difficile de rejoindre les points mais une chose est sûre, il est question de religions, de juifs, de sionistes, de franc-maçons, de jésuites, d’esclavage, de génocides, de massacres, de guerres, de pédophilie, de satanisme, de Lucifer, de Baphomet, de la rose croix, des templiers, du Vatican etc…