Boring Channel 003


Hi Friends...! You are thinking... what is this? what is this name 'Boring Channel 003'? But don't think more because we are giving you answer... If you are free & boring,If you are busy and boring..then come here, open "Boring Channel 003" and pass your time, because we present to you Entertaiment Like Film and Drama, Story, Reviews,Comedy & Learn The Eduction, Technolohgy, Politics & Play The Interesting Games and much more in different languages like Urdu,English,Punjabi,Saraiky etc. But Joining is must. So Quickly Subscribe Us Follow Us Join Us.

Hello everybody! 😜🖖🤗 We are short funny and humorous videos on a variety of topics. If you like magic tricks, pranks, life hacks, vines, challenges, asmr and much more - then join us. We will not let you get bored, be sure! 🌈✨🦄


Hello everybody! 😜🖖🤗 We are short funny and humorous videos on a variety of topics. If you like magic tricks, pranks, life hacks, vines, challenges, asmr and much more - then join us. We will not let you get bored, be sure! 🌈✨🦄