Geronimos Stolen Bones


Nine years after Geronimo's death, Skull and Bones members who were stationed at the army outpost dug up the warrior's grave and stole his skull, as well as some bones and other personal relics. They then sprinted the remains away to New Haven, Conn., and stashed the skull at the society's clubhouse, the Skull and Bones Tomb. The grave-robbing posse included Prescott Bush, father of George H.W. and grandfather of George W. A Letter Offers Clues : The skull of the worthy Geronimo the Terrible exhumed from its tomb at Fort Sill by your club and the Knight Haffner is now safe inside the Tomb, together with his well-worn femurs, bit and saddle horn. Members of Skull and Bones ! Waves of thought stream from all who touched his skull, all your thoughts betray you, expose you, you can not hide in order to do that you must stop thinking. RETURN THE SKULL Or truths protective layers will be removed again and again. -Geronimos Stolen Bones

Just Who is Joshua Reid Jones


You are forgiven for having no idea who Josh Reid Jones is, despite styling himself as a socially-progressive Anthony Robbins style self help guru, his 65 YouTube subscribers and handful of Facebook friends and purchased Instagram buddies suggests no one really listens to his narcissistic ideologically trendy left ramblings and dribble. See Josh came to my attention after I watched one of his home videos. I found his approach to be very nasty, I had hairs on the back of my neck stand up as he powder coated a personal attack with passive aggressive nastiness. When I watched and rewatched it, the overtone was clearly sexist. I then discover that the misogynistic video was attacking a former female business partner, I decided to do some checking on Josh, and like all bullies, his cupboard is full of baggage, so what's good for women will be good for Josh. We need to take a stand against sexism and cyber bullies, its 2021 for fuck sake not 1921.