The Matrix Reset


Channel dedicated to exposing the inverted matrix being built around us. Signs, Symbols and Subliminals in Media, News & Entertainment. Will be posting here as well as Bitchute. New content and some re-edited older videos to follow as I acclimate to this platform. Galatians 4:16 "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Also follow on Bitchute: Or Instagram:

Escape The Matrix


You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind. Open your mind, open your heart, we all need to wake up and come together as one. We have the power, we always have. Through this Rumble Channel we are putting all the eggs in one basket. Information you haven't been told or not aware of! The videos listed on this Channel are not intended to induce fear in any way. The videos are simply for research, education purposes and people that want to know the truth. Please feel free to leave any information, comments and chat with like minded people. This is an open community and we believe everyone should have freedom to speak. Please Like & Share the content to help spread awareness! Follow for new content, uploaded regularly. YouTube: Rumble: Please sign up for UNIFYD TV, there is some fantastic information and documentaries on there: Join our Telegram Channel:



Themen des Matrixxer Kanals von Shiva und Jonathan: - Die Matrix: Gefängnisplanet Erde - Astralreisen & luzides Träumen - Aktivierung der Zirbeldrüse - Bewusstseinserweiterung - Hypnagoge Zustände - Spirituelle Dissoziation - Grenzwissenschaften Spenden gerne an: Paypal: matrixxer @ 💜 Unsere Webseiten: 👽 🎧 📖 Social Media:

The Matrix Exodus


At the time of starting this channel, I was fighting a self-represented rape case for compensation. Under UK law, I had the right to remain anonymous. I have been focused on writing since I went through my court case which I sadly had to self-represent. On the plus side, I set a precedent that I did not come forward with my crime due to fear of being labelled a racist. Therefore, I won my case. I have released my first book, A Family Saga Tragedy which evolves around the teaching from a progressive school teacher. You can buy that book here. or if you don't like Amazon, you can buy it here.

Fletcher Farms Amarillo


Welcome to Fletcher Farms Amarillo! Follow along on journey of purchasing 43 acres in Amarillo Texas. Our journey began at the beginning of 2022. It all started with a donkey who we found on Craigslist needing a new home. Jack couldn't be the only animal on the farm so we rescued a mom and 1 week old baby donkey from going to slaughter along with 6 Belgian Draft Horses to join the donkeys on the farm. Come to find out the momma donkey was pregnant when we rescued her and she had a baby in January 2023. After learning the horrible treatment of these horse that are at livestock yards we knew we wanted to help as many as we could. At the end of 2022, we applied for and received 501c3 status to start a Non-Profit organization called the Big Hoof Foundation to save more of the "Big Hoof" horses. Since starting the farm and foundation we have rescued 25 Belgian Draft horses from shipping to slaughter. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss anything happening here around the farm!