Welcome to Vance Jochim's FiscalRangers Rumble Channel


We have provided local Lake County, FL political and government news of interest to conservatives, taxpayers and political followers since 2006. We provide various videos and articles about the 14 cities in Lake County, FL, plus the School District Board, County Board and other government agencies. We focus on fiscal watchdog issues and improving transparency of local government. Our original 400+ videos are on YouTube FiscalRangersFlorida which we may move to Rumble.

Tradesman Digital Marketing


Google Ads Made Simple For The Skilled Trades. Our videos will walk you through what goes into running a successful Google Ads Campaign how to optimize it and what not to do. Tradesman Digital Marketing is a Google Ads Agency dedicated to providing the highest profit margins to our clients possible. We service businesses in the Skilled Trades and make video content directly for them. These videos are meant for service-based businesses, that rely on phone calls and email inquiries to generate leads. If your running an e-commerce business this channel is most likely not for you. If you love our videos or hate them leave a comment below we'd love to hear from you.

Sacramento Rural @ NCS51


New California State is a new state forming from existing California. New California State Citizens are exercising our God Given Rights as declared in the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence and as ratified in the 1789 United States Constitution under Article IV Section 3 and Section 4. The Great State of New California is Non-Partisan. We are a 501(c)(4) Non-profit educational organization, we inform the public about the U.S. Constitution and the process of forming a new state from an existing one, constitutionally! To learn more about New California State, visit the website: https://www.newcaliforniastate.com/ To join the M-F, 6:00 to 9:00 am. AENN Live Rumble Channel with Pro Tempore Governor, Paul Preston; who offers the latest updates about our statehood status, riveting interviews, examines breaking stories, news, events, and the upcoming election. Visit: https://rumble.com/c/AENN For questions or to volunteer at our local Sacramento County Rural level, email us at: NCS51-RuralSAC@pm.me. Remember to join our channel and always hit the Thumbs Up on all our videos to help give us exposure! 👇🏼Check out our other Social Media sites 👇🏼