The Walking Commuter


Greetings and salutations! You have found me, the Walking Commuter! Having lived in New York City (NYC) for many years, I initially started recording my various commutes between work locations to be able to show certain areas of NYC. This has evolved and now I try to interact with viewers in as-frequent-as-possible live streams. Join me as I continue to explore, and commute, in NYC! Buy Me A Beverage! Support me on Patreon! Follow me on Instagram!

The Michael Wall Show


Welcome to our channel. Here you will learn tips about living a life of purpose and thoughts to help improve and grow your wealth! Michael Wall is the host of the shows on this page as well as co-host of the “Empower America Show” with the HodgeTwins. He is the Founder and President of Wall Private Wealth, Inc , U.S. Private Wealth, LLC , and Michael D Wall, LLC. Michael also serves as the CMO for Invia-Capital. In addition, he has nearly a decade of experience in media, appearing on CNBC, Fox Business, Bloomberg , Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, SmartMoney, CNN Money, Modern Medicine, The Street, USA Today and others. He is a husband, father of 4! We hope you are blessed, encouraged and equipped to grow in life! Thanks for subscribing and sharing our content so we can help others on their life journey as well! SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITES | COURSES SHOWS

The Broken Wall, Nehemiah, & The Lion


1 Peter 5. 8 “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” But how do you recognize The Devil when he is invisible? Lies. John 8:44:… He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies. The wall separating truth and lies in health and science is broken. The Devil’s lies are now entrenched in the church. The wall of truth that kept the lies on the outside is broken. The Lion- the Devil- is freely roaming about inside the church destroying our faith, our lives and our church. Watch this video series to identify those lies. Start rebuilding the wall now! God will send people only to a church that has rebuilt that wall Video #1 In our Post-Christian era why do we think we are being told the truth? Video #1 explains how power now establishes what is truth and what is lies. Not actual truth. Video #2 Censored- The 4 Ways Trusted Medical Authorities Censor Medical Truth I suggest you watch this documentary 2nd in this series because until you understand how scientific information is processed-- obeying scripture to hear the other side of the story- will be extremely difficult Video #3 Creation A Christian View of Everything: THE IMPORTANCE AND VALIDITY OF READING GENESIS AS HISTORY The same tricks and methods used to suppress the health risks of cigarette smoking for 50 years are still being used to control and shape “The Narrative” on climate, abortion health risks to the woman, and crazy as it sounds- the age of earth and the universe. Video #4 Covid 19: Concise Report: Did Jesus reveal a better Plan? 2021 The Pandemic: A Concise Report. 30 minutes to understand what happened (Sept. 2021) Video #5 The Hidden Physical Health Risks of Abortion and Informed Consent: For a Teenage Girl and Her Physician 20 years ago I believe God asked me to use my video production company to get the national television networks to sponsor a documentary about abortion risks to women. They all refused. The justification for abortion is based entirely on lies. There is no truth whatsoever. 6 The Hidden Emotional Risks of Abortion The shame in post abortion Christian women is so high such women have extreme difficulty even sharing with their best friend. So they keep it bottled up resulting in a diminished relationship with everyone around her and God. #7 Help Moving Forward: Sorting Through the Additional Rubble: Expanding Your News Sources We must continue to pick through the rubble sorting out which ideas that are now on the inside of the church belong on the outside with "The Enemy" and his “Narrative" Some examples: Population growth? The Narrative wants fewer people on earth, far fewer. So don’t be surprised when destructive ideas and policies emerge. In fact Jesus looks at people as a blessing. The Bible never revoked the command to multiply. Despite images of cities teaming with people the entire world’s population can still be placed into a very very small geographical area. Hunger is not due to overpopulation or a shortage of food but poverty that comes from evil governments. Gender confusion? Children years too young to provide legal consent are undergoing life changing permanent physical and chemical mutilation to their God given gender. Studies reveal it doesn’t make them happier. Born Gay? A major medical research organization did a thorough analysis of the human DNA hoping to find the gay gene. They found nothing. Neither God nor evolution could create same sex attraction. Climate Change or climate alarmism? There is ample evidence that “The Narrative" is based on power and politics more than actual science. We know beyond dispute that the oceans were higher and the planet far warmer in the recent past. "The Narrative’s not telling you that. Yet we are rushing forward trying to eliminate fossil fuels 20 or 30 years ahead of being able to replace them with electricity. The resulting chaos is worsening. And the WEF- the world economic forum. "The Narrative" wants you to believe it consists of uber wealthy kindly rich men like Bill Gates dressed in his casual sweater like Mr. Rogers. The WEF claims to be simply helping our elected officials do their job of helping everyone stay healthy and happy, right? So why did Bill Gates refuse to let the poorest countries have the formulae to make their own Covid vaccines? These are a few of the ideas that permeate our thinking but appear to be very destructive. You have learned through the earlier documentary, Censored, how empirical science is skewed to support The Narrative. I believe Christians and our churches are at a divide in the road. There is a 100 dollar word for choosing which path you will follow- bifurcation. It is a term used in the nautical world. There is a river I like to boat on that divides into a wide channel and a narrow channel at one point. Only if you know how to interpret the meaning of the colour of a simple floating marker, a buoy, do you know to take the narrow channel to avoid the rocks on the wide one. There is no arrow to point out the correct direction. On occasion we hear the crunching and propeller grinding from a boater who didn't know how to interpret the simple buoy. Unlike road signs with arrows and even multiple languages the boater gets a simple floating pole in the water. No words. And the colour alone does not tell you which channel to choose. You must also know which way the current is flowing. So I wrap up asking if you know which way the current is taking you? Scripture tells us how to discern and sort out these ideas. But in addition, podcasters like the one running in the background are a great resource. Revelation 17, 9: "Don't drop your guard, use your head"..... ". The Message (MSG) Churches and individuals which continue to rebuild the wall of truth will be safely inside Jesus plan.

Abba's Creations Photography -- Wall Mural Photography


Abba's Creations Photography features the work of Landscape photographer, John Freeman. As a landscape photographer, John specializes in Gigapixel Fine Art Wall Mural photos. Giga-Pixel images are images with at least 1 Billion pixels. Creating images of this size requires shooting a minimum of anywhere from 50 to 150 images with a high resolution camera. Shooting this style of photo requires a great deal of skill and patience along with a powerful custom built computer to stitch the images together. The reward is, when completed, you have photos that can be printed very large while retaining stunning detail. On this channel, John provides tutorials on how to shoot this style of photos. One of the things I always try to be aware of, is when I look through the view finder, that the image I see is, in every case, the handy work of our Creator. As I frame my shot and prepare to take a photo, it is always in the back of my mind that I am capturing His handiwork. I strive to honor Him with every photo I take by doing my best to take a photo that exhibits the wonder of our Creator's awesome creation.

City Walk Vlogs


A city is a large and densely populated urban area, characterized by its vibrant culture, diverse population, and a wide range of amenities and services. Cities are often economic and cultural hubs, offering opportunities for work, education, entertainment, and social interactions. Travel: Travel is the act of moving from one place to another, typically over a significant distance. It can be for various purposes such as leisure, business, or exploration. Travel broadens horizons, exposes individuals to new cultures and experiences, and often involves planning and adventure. Adventure: Adventure refers to an exciting or unusual experience that often involves a sense of risk or exploration. It can include activities like hiking, climbing, or traveling to uncharted territories. Adventures are about stepping out of one’s comfort zone and embracing the thrill of the unknown.

Learning How to Walk in Authority & Purpose!


Called To Destiny Channel is an extension of Called to Destiny Ministries a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization committed to practical teaching on the believers authority and purpose in Jesus Christ! Here you will find inspiration to navigate the peaks and valleys of ordinary life. Every individual has been created by a sovereign God. He created us with thought, intent and purpose. Therefore, we all have what I refer to as a north star - a path to our destiny! Psalms 139 states that God knitted us together in our mother's womb and ordained every day of our lives. With this confidence, we will encourage you to gracefully move through the vicissitudes of this temporal life while maintaining an eternal perspective. Life is a journey! We will share our journey to purpose and teach you how to arrive at your destination. Everything in your life...your personality, your pain, the seasons of your life, successes, failures etc. are part of your purpose. This channel will publish weekly.

We Have Issues with Mark Waller and Kyle Blakely


Welcome to "We Have Issues" Podcast, where Mark and Kyle explore the pressing political and societal issues impacting Colorado and the nation. Join us each week as we delve into a new topic, infusing humor and insight along the way. With a diverse lineup of guests, including politicians, experts, and even a few adversaries, we tackle key issues head-on and strive for resolution. Tune in to stay informed, entertained, and engaged with the most relevant issues of our time. Subscribe now and join the conversation!

Peregrine Trails Outdoor Adventures


Venture into the great outdoors and let your heart and soul find solace. Peregrine Trails is a treasury of immersive bike rides and scenic walks, sometimes artfully edited to the harmonious backdrop of cinematic music, or simply the natural sounds of the day. The aim is to encapsulate the profound tranquility and serenity that envelops us during these journeys. Embark on these visual odysseys to experience the soothing embrace of nature, where each adventure becomes a moment of calm and wonder. Subscribe now and join in on rediscovering the peace that only the outdoors can offer. #PeregrineTrails

Mind Walks Podcast


Join the smoking duo of Rocky Rob & Big Sick as they talk about conspiracies, the paranormal, the occult, religion, myths, cryptids, and the bizarre in their podcast, Mind Walks! (Note to viewer: Foul Language & Heavy Marijuana Smoking. Please be advised) For more information and for exclusive items check out our website at Also, if you wish to join our mailing list for news, surprises, and exclusive contests, please email us at with the subject line mailing list!

Whimsy Wall TV Art Verified


Hiya, and welcome to my creative corner! A few years ago, life threw some unexpected challenges my way, and I found myself needing a new way to focus and heal. That’s when I stumbled upon AI art—it became a fun and uplifting outlet not just for me, but for my entire family. My kids and I began to collaborate, turning our ideas into visual stories. But what’s art without a place to display it? That’s where Rumble came in! This channel is our gallery—a space to share the beauty and whimsy that AI art has brought into our lives. We hope you enjoy these creations as much as we do. Thank you for watching, subscribing, and joining us on this artistic journey!