Sleep Meditation for Women


Guided sleep meditation for women by women. Sleep Meditation for Women was created for those who identify as women or anyone who feels called to listen and improve their sleep. Find stress relief, reduce overwhelm, treat insomnia, fall asleep fast, and more when you tune in to Sleep Meditation for Women and let these guided meditations help you ease into a deep sleep peacefully. Brought to you by the Women’s Meditation Network and hosted by Katie Krimitsos. Get comfy, press play and let yourself be guided into dreamland. Get more meditation resources at our website: FALL ASLEEP TO SLEEP MEDITATIONS FOR WOMEN ON OUR PODCASTS: Sleep Meditation for Women - Sleep Sounds for Women -

Flower of Life Meditations


Welcome to our channel, where our mission is to spread love, peace, and happiness through the power of energy, frequency, and vibration. We believe that everything in the universe is interconnected and that our thoughts and actions have a profound impact on the world around us. By cultivating positive energy and raising our vibrational frequency, we can create a ripple effect of love and positivity that touches the lives of everyone we encounter. Whether you're looking for inspiration, motivation, or just a little bit of positivity in your day, we hope that our channel will provide you with the tools and resources you need to live your best life. Thank you for being here, and we're sending love and positive vibes to all who read this!



Chaine de ré information sur le COVID-19. L’objectif est de permettre à un large public de prendre connaissance de points de vue alternatifs sur la crise du COVID, les traitements, les vaccins, et le pass sanitaire. Cette chaine ne prétend ni à l’objectivité ni à la complétude, elle se veut une invitation à la réflexion. Elle n’est affiliée à aucun autre site ou organisme traitant du COVID-19, et son auteur se déclare libre de tout lien d’intérêt.

Direita no Brasil [Oficial]


eja bem-vindo(a) ao nosso canal de notícias sobre política e conservadorismo no Brasil! Aqui você encontrará análises, opiniões e cobertura dos principais eventos e acontecimentos políticos no país, sempre com uma abordagem conservadora e comprometida com os valores tradicionais. Nossa equipe de jornalistas e analistas políticos está constantemente acompanhando as notícias e trazendo informações atualizadas sobre temas como economia, relações internacionais, segurança pública, educação, cultura e muito mais. Além disso, também promovemos debates e entrevistas com personalidades importantes do cenário político e intelectual brasileiro, buscando sempre oferecer uma visão plural e informada sobre os assuntos em pauta. Se você busca uma fonte confiável de informação e análise política, aliada a uma visão conservadora e comprometida com os valores da família, da liberdade e da democracia, este é o lugar certo. Inscreva-se em nosso canal e não perca nenhuma atualização. Mário Robert

Relaxing, Relaxing music, music for meditation, music for sleep, Relaxing ambient music, ambient music, Relaxation music for sleep, relax, soothing relaxation, ambiance, calming music, calm music, peaceful music, soothing music, meditation music, sleep mu


Our music channel presents stress relief music video with beautiful nature and calm music for meditation, relaxation and sleep! Relaxing video with sounds of nature and ambient music! Music for relaxation, study, moral satisfaction and sleep! This music will help you to relax and get harmony of body and soul, will help you fall asleep! Music for meditation and yoga, for concentration and calmness! Enjoy ambient music, all the best to you and your family!