the Science of Differentiation


WHAT IS HUMAN DESIGN? The Human Design System is a compelling synthesis of ancient and modern sciences, including eastern and western empirical and esoteric systems of knowledge. It is a precise tool for life advice. With study and application, it also furthers the advancement of human consciousness and growth. Human Design provides you with simple yet effective ways to enhance your life and the experience of success on this plane. Using human design reduces pain, stress and resistance. It is essentially your personal decision-making tool for navigating choices so you can made the right move at the right time. Ra Uru Hu received this knowledge in 1987 and for the next 25 years, dedicated himself to developing this profound and comprehensive system. I have studied with Jovian Archive since 2012 and worked with them since 2014 in service of spreading the empowering message of the Human Design System: LOVE YOURSELF. Do you want to gain a deeper understanding of the Human Design System?

Animal funny videos


Welcome we are here to spread love and smile. I love cute and funny moments of animal that inspire us about human life. Here we post cute🤗and funny😂pet shorts,that will definitely make you laugh. By doing so your stress and tiredness of busy life will reduced definitely😊. I would be more grateful🤗if you subcribe or like to the to encourage me to work more.💖 So keep on watching and subscribe Channel to get notification of newest shorts daily. 😊 For any feedback and suggestions mail me at:💖

Il Pensiero Differente


INFORMAZIONE LIBERA, INDIPENDENTE, SCEVRA DA QUALSIVOGLIA CONFLITTO DI INTERESSI. Mai come oggi ne abbiamo un disperato bisogno. Mentre i salotti delle nostre televisioni si riempiono di giornalisti, pennivendoli ed esperti di ogni tipo dalla dubbia onestà intellettuale, noi, francamente, ci siamo stufati. Perchè vedete, in fin dei conti è proprio vero, le bugie hanno le gambe corte. Si riesce quasi a sentirne l’odore, la puzza di marcio. Lo si legge nei volti e negli sguardi di chi le racconta. Politici, pseudogiornalisti, conduttori televisivi, sembrano recitare sempre lo stesso identico copione. Non c’è spazio per chi la pensa diversamente, per chi dubita, per chi ragiona con il proprio cervello e per chi vorrebbe porre delle lecite domande. E allora non ci resta che rimboccarci le maniche e prendecelo da soli il nostro spazio. Non certo nei loro salotti, ovviamente. Per il momento su youtube, su Telegram e sui vari social, almeno finchè avremo la possibilità di esprimere liberamente le nostre idee. In futuro si vedrà... Vi invito quindi ad iscrivervi e a condividere il link del CANALE TELEGRAM in modo da diffondere il più possibile queste notizie. Qui sotto il link per contribuire al progetto e permettermi di continuare ad offrirvi questo servizio e migliorarlo sempre di più. Grazie a tutti! 🙏🏻

Moandain Designs


Welcome to Moandain Designs! This channel is my contribution to the gaming community. I have several episode archetypes in store for this channel and plan to pace myself with 2 episodes Per month. The 1st and the 15th of every month around 8am Central. The episodes will fall into one of the following categories: Game reviews System collecting guides System and game care / maintenance Q&A with followers Pickups Room setup and tour (limited to once a year) My favorite "X" Tips and Tricks / Restoring games Gadget reviews Contests (only if I get freebies from sponsors) Interviews You can find me @moandain on Twitter