Mike Waltz


Colonel (Ret.) Mike Waltz is a combat-decorated Green Beret, National Guardsman, former White House and Pentagon policy advisor, small business owner, and Congressman representing Florida. Mike has served his country his entire life, graduating from the Virginia Military Institute, serving 27 years in the U.S. Army, the National Guard, and now in Congress. As a veteran, Mike knows how to accomplish a mission for his country. Mike is the first Green Beret elected to Congress and has served multiple combat tours in the Middle East and Africa, where he earned 4 bronze stars including two for Valor. Mike currently serves as a senior member on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the House Intelligence committee. His commitment in Washington, D.C. is the same now as it was in combat: to serve with everything he has, without regard for his own self and with a sense of duty for. Mike is determined to be part of the new generation of servant leaders in Congress who lead by example with their values and deliver results.

The Awakened Heart Collective


The Awakened Heart Collective shares messages from souls who have awakened to an open-hearted, joyful and intentional way of living. My aim is to inspire our listeners with conversations where vulnerability, courage, and love are the keys to living a life full of deeper purpose, unconditional self love, and consistent growth. The Awakened Heart Collective is also for those on the path to intuitive heart based living and seeking TRUTH above the noise of censorship and and propaganda. Through potently inspiring conversations with courageous souls who help us see beyond the narrative, we will awaken our powerful selves and reclaim our sovereignty Whether you are a curious beginner on the path to awakening or experienced leader holding the light, its time to listen, learn and empower.

Zé Oswaldo


Quem sou eu: Apenas um engenheiro conservador de direita. Graduado pela Escola Politécnica - USP em Engenharia de Energia e Automação Elétricas e pela Faculdade de Economia e Administração - FEA/USP em Administração. Esse canal começou como repositório-espelho do conteúdo audiovisual veiculado na minha página de Facebook, onde promovia exposição de material político diverso focado para o público conservador. A página no Facebook com +20.000 seguidores foi desativada em decorrência das alterações de algoritmo da plataforma, que reduziu alcance tornando sua operação inviável. Os vídeos que não são total ou parcialmente de minha autoria estão sempre com sua devida origem e créditos mencionados e referenciados. Aceito sugestões. Contato: ze.oswaldo.facebook@gmail.com URL principal: www.zeoswaldo.net