First Class Fatherhood Verified


Alec Lace is the creator of the Award Winning Podcast, First Class Fatherhood which features interviews with more than 700 dads including Governor Ron DeSantis, Eric Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, NFL Legend Tom Brady, and Acadamy Award Winner Matthew McConaughey! Now for the first time ever, Alec Lace is bringing a Live show exclusively to Rumble to discuss all of the issues facing Parents today. There is a Fatherless Crisis in America. There is an attack on the Nuclear Family Units in America. Alec Lace is holding nothing back as he shines the spotlight on those seeking to ruin the American Family. Tune in to the Live Shows every Tuesday & Thursday at 1:00pm ET.

Aneko Press | Classic Christian Audiobooks


Before publishing books, I was in a different business, manufacturing high-quality kitchen cabinets. Our business consultant, who happened to be a Christian, recommended some Christian books to read and those books helped me so much that I was inspired to contact Christian publishing houses to see if they would let me buy books to send to anyone who would read them. I kept some at my office and gave them away freely, and in collaboration with another publishing house, we sent books to prisons and third-world countries. I thought if I could see one person saved as a result of sending out these books, it would be worth more than a lifetime of making kitchen cabinets. I ended up leaving that business in 2009, and since then our small, Abbotsford WI company has been publishing and distributing Christian books in print, eBook, and audio format. And we still send books to prison and overseas to third-world countries. The Lord is good to employ us in His vineyard! Jeremiah Zeiset Aneko Press

Grassroots USA Verified


Collection of videos from a 50 y/o father of two and a proud patriot of the American Constitution. I have always been conservative despite my mother being a Democrat. I believe in hard work and less government. Judged by actions not appearance. Huge supporter of President Trump. The first president in my 50 years on earth who delivered on majority of all his campaign promises, despite constant efforts of the deep state to undermine his every action for AMERICA FIRST. We are now being lead by the Democratic party and the Deep State combined with MSM all forcing false propaganda down the throats of America and the World. With no morals, anti-christian, and much less than Constitutional practices. It\'s time we wake up and keep making America First and expose the facade of American leadership from the Biden/Harris administration.

Mark's Music Collection - Classical


I grew up a music fan in the 1960\\\'s and 1970\\\'s and amassed a large music collection. I\\\'m regularly being asked to recommend music from that era so I decided to set up a YouTube channel and put those recommendations online. For now, I\\\'m concentrating on uploading albums which have been deleted and aren\\\'t readily available elsewhere on YouTube. Hope you like them and that you find some music and musicians here that you like and wouldn\\\'t otherwise have known about. If you like the videos I post, please click the Like, Subscribe and "Bell" icons. Just FYI, I\\\'m planning to add two new channels: Mark\\\'s Music Collection-Classical and Mark\\\'s Music Collection-Jazz