Ancient Ocean Ruins


Ancient Ocean Ruins a constant search and exploration of ancient ocean flooded ruins how ancient? built by who? there are many theories and many questions. flooded when, how many times? cosmic? earthly? human caused? there are many theories and many questions... what about me and this channel? I explore and see what I can see when it is available to see. I try to stick to simplistic theories and never stick to precise historical dates and labels of how far in the past something happened. to simplify with the most drastic example, I would not be surprised if we find ruins of a 500.000 year old civilization somewhere while mining deep for gold, uranium or diamonds, etc. and that number is just a pure guess. AluminoHato 2024

Organization, Cleaning, Home Decor & Lifestyle


Welcome to AmzGadgetss. This channel is all about Unique Household Collection Here we bring Versatile Utensils, Creative Ideas, Smart Small Gadgets, Creative Ideas That Are At Another Level, etc. Organization, Cleaning, Home Decor & Lifestyle Join Our Telegram Channel To Buy More Cool Products. Telegram Link Provided Below. Please like the video and subscribe to the channel to watch the latest video! and press the bell icon to get all notifications & updates from our future videos. I hope you like our all videos. Thank You For Watching!

Erika Harken | Clean Adult Fiction


My first memory of loving writing comes from elementary school, where I was given a small (but very exciting!) blank book to fill as an assignment. In the years since, I've written all kinds of stories throughout middle school, high school, and college, and in 2022, I decided to finally become a published author! I write romance, fantasy, and thriller books to satisfy my endless ideas and to keep my creative inspiration fresh. You can view my books at: :-)