Hi, I am brand new to rumble still figuring it out! fill free to Embark on a journey into the esoteric realms of angels, archons, and Rosicrucian texts.


Delve into the celestial realm of angels, explore the enigmatic influence of archons, and uncover the hidden wisdom of Rosicrucian texts. This channel serves as a gateway to a world of spiritual enlightenment and mystical knowledge. Explore the following topics and more: Angelic Hierarchies and Powers: Uncover the diverse roles and responsibilities of angels within the celestial hierarchy. Archontic Influences and Their Impact on Humanity: Examine the enigmatic influence of archons on human consciousness and societal structures. Rosicrucian Texts and Their Hidden Wisdom: Decipher the profound messages embedded within Rosicrucian texts, unlocking secrets of spiritual transformation. Whether you're a seasoned seeker of esoteric knowledge or a curious novice, this channel offers a captivating exploration of the angelic realm, archontic influences, and Rosicrucian wisdom. Embark on a journey of spiritual awakening and uncover the hidden truths that lie beyond the veil of ordinary perception. Subscribe to this

Blessings in the Bible


he Bible holds deep significance and offers comfort and encouragement to those who believe: Numbers 6:24-26: This blessing, often referred to as the Aaronic Blessing or the Priestly Blessing, is a prayer of protection and favor. It invokes God's presence and grace upon the recipient, asking for His guidance, protection, and peace to be with them. Psalm 20:4: This verse expresses a heartfelt wish for success and fulfillment in the desires and plans of the heart. It acknowledges God's role in granting blessings and aligning the individual's desires with His will. Psalm 23:1-3: The famous words of Psalm 23 offer reassurance and comfort by depicting God as a caring shepherd who provides for and guides His people. It speaks of His provision, rest, and restoration, affirming His intimate care for His followers. Matthew 5:3-12 (The Beatitudes): The Beatitudes, spoken by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, describe the characteristics and attitudes that lead to true blessedness or happiness. They highlight the importance of humility, mercy, righteousness, and perseverance in the Christian life, promising spiritual rewards to those who embody these qualities. Philippians 4:7: This verse speaks of the peace that surpasses human understanding, a peace that can only come from God. It assures believers that God's peace will guard their hearts and minds, providing comfort and stability even in the midst of difficult circumstances. James 1:17: Acknowledging God as the source of all good gifts, this verse emphasizes His unchanging nature and generosity toward His children. It encourages gratitude and trust in God's provision. Ephesians 1:3: This verse celebrates the spiritual blessings that believers receive through their union with Christ. It reflects on the richness of God's grace and highlights the believers' elevated status as heirs of God's kingdom. Overall, these descriptions encapsulate the profound meaning and significance behind each blessing, offering encouragement, hope, and a sense of God's presence and favor to those who receive them.

secret of faith in jesus christ.


The "secret of faith in Jesus Christ" refers to the profound understanding and personal revelation that individuals experience when they place their trust and belief in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. It encompasses a deeply personal relationship with Christ that transcends mere intellectual assent or adherence to religious rituals. Describing this secret involves acknowledging that faith in Jesus Christ is not merely a set of doctrines or rules to follow, but rather a transformative journey of the heart and soul. It involves recognizing Jesus as the Son of God who came to Earth to redeem humanity from sin and offer salvation to all who believe in Him. Faith in Jesus Christ involves surrendering one's life to Him, trusting in His promises, and following His teachings. It means embracing His love, grace, and forgiveness, and allowing His Spirit to dwell within and guide one's life. The "secret" lies in the intimate communion with Christ that believers experience as they grow in their faith, finding strength, peace, and purpose in Him even amidst life's challenges and uncertainties. It is a mystery that unfolds through prayer, study of scripture, fellowship with other believers, and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life.

Codex Of Secrets - Oltre la verità


"Nihil est veritatis luce dulcius". - Cicerone - Benvenuto in "Codex of Secrets", il tuo spettacolo segreto che aprirà le porte a un mondo sconosciuto e rivelerà verità nascoste dietro le quinte della storia e cospirazioni contro l'umanità. Preparati a immergerti in un viaggio intrigante e affascinante attraverso gli inferi di teorie del complotto, recensioni storiche e argomenti considerati scomodi dalla stampa mainstream. Sono l'Agente X, l'anello di congiunzione tra il segreto e la verità. Nelle prossime puntate esploreremo i misteri nascosti nel labirinto di cospirazioni che hanno segnato il corso della storia. Dalla manipolazione dei fatti alla distorsione della verità, nulla sarà lasciato al caso. Prendi parte a questa avventura e unisciti a me, Agente X, mentre sveliamo i segreti più profondi e scomodi della storia umana. Benvenuto nel "Codice dei Segreti", dove il velo dell'ignoto sarà sollevato e l'oscura verità sarà rivelata.

Unfolded Crime Stories


Secret Sagas is a captivating channel that dives into the lesser-known stories, mysteries, and hidden histories from around the world. From ancient civilizations to modern-day conspiracies, each episode reveals secrets, unsolved mysteries, and curious sagas that most people have never heard about. The channel explores unusual events, forgotten figures, strange artifacts, and untold chapters of history, blending storytelling with investigation to bring these hidden tales to life. Whether you're intrigued by mythology, fascinated by true crime, or drawn to conspiracy theories, Secret Sagas will keep you on the edge of your seat as it uncovers the world’s most intriguing secrets.



Manifestation Guide: How To Manifest Anything You Want In 24hrs BY KATHERINE HURST Manifestation Guide: How To Manifest Anything You Want In 24hrs Do you find it hard to manifest the things you want into your life? Perhaps you follow the Law of Attraction and just can’t quite conquer manifestation? It can be tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, manifesting can become second nature to you. Maybe you are unsure of what manifestation really means. Or maybe you need clarity on what the purpose of manifestation is! In order to succeed in your manifestations, you need to truly believe in them. So, it’s worth knowing the ins and outs of what exactly manifestation is and how to properly manifest what you want. Before I share my manifestation guide with you, let’s take a look at what manifestation means and how it works.

Secrets of history


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