Moved by Him


Welcome to Moved by Him Podcast, created for the woman of faith who is craving conversation at the intersection of where Jesus, wellness, and culture meet. Learn to pray, worship, and seek the Word of God for answers that spiritually equip you to navigate the chaos and confusion of the fitness and nutrition world. As we read in 1 Timothy 4:8, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” With our eyes fixed on eternity, let’s bring Jesus into our wellness journey and stand up against deception. We are Moved by Him!

13 Market Moves Formula


Description SUBSCRIBE FOR insane LIVE TRADING Videos: LIKE $4K TO $144K IN 4 HOURS! Charts Analysis for Day Traders, Options Trading Strategies, Trading Earnings Strategies, If you love trading, hot chicks AND have a sense of humor this channel is for you! 13 Market Moves is a proprietary formula we have developed over the last 15 years that is focused on combining chart patterns and probabilities in order to calculate the next market move BEFORE it happens. We specialize in TRADING WEEKLY OPTIONS. The content in our channel will not only help you understand how to read charts, but also how to recognize certain psychological obstacles to help you become the best trader you can possibly be! For more information, check out website here: Make sure to watch our free training: You should stay away from our channel if you don't agree to our full disclaimer found here:



A atividade física regular promove a melhora da postura corporal, combate o excesso de peso e o acúmulo de gordura, é menos suscetível a doenças cardíacas, melhora o tônus ​​muscular, reduz o estresse e o desconforto, aumenta a elasticidade e flexibilidade do corpo, aumenta a autoestima, melhora a qualidade e a expectativa de vida, Fortalece o sistema imunológico e promove níveis mais baixos de colesterol. Dá-nos mais energia e carácter para as nossas tarefas diárias. A atividade física também é boa para a saúde mental. Como resultado, nossa atenção aumentará, aumentando assim a eficiência do trabalho e do estudo. Antes de iniciar qualquer programa de atividade física, converse com seu médico sobre qual atividade física você pode fazer. A atividade física tem benefícios a longo prazo, por isso não há milagres, é necessário foco e persistência.

StopDevaluation Movement


The #StopDevaluation movement is for those who will challenge themselves to be the change makers within culture. This means refusing to participate in gossip, rumors, slander, and bigotry. It means choosing love over hate, knowledge over bias, mercy over judgement, and kindness over insult. It means believing and speaking the best of everyone and confronting those who bring harm in healthy ways. These powerful choices will change us, and we can change our world.